Representative quantitative maps of a patient with brain metastasis. Representative quantitative maps of a patient with brain metastasis. T1-weighted image before (A) and after (F) administration of gadolinium-based contrast agent and quantitative maps overlaid on the T1-weighted image before (B–E) and after (G–J) administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents are shown. The brain metastasis shows contrast enhancement (arrows in A and F). The increase in myelin partial volume is clear in the brain metastasis on the myelin partial volume maps (arrows in B and G). The decreases in T1, T2, and proton density are clear in the brain metastasis on the T1 (arrows in C and H), T2 (arrows in D and I), and proton-density (arrows in E and J) maps. T. Maekawa et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2019;40:231-237 ©2019 by American Society of Neuroradiology