My name is Emmanuelle Perrotte. I’m 14 years old My name is Emmanuelle Perrotte. I’m 14 years old. I was born December 12, 1999 in Cherbourg. I live in Le Vicel, in Normandie. My father’s name is David and my mother’s name is Sabrina. I have a sister, Caroline, she is12 years old. I have two dogs, Happy and Olga. . I love watching horror movies. And I love spending time with my friends. I’m in highschool Edmond Doucet, in Equerdreville. I’m in grade 10th/year 11, in administrative management.
I like playing PS4, I like war games like Call Of Duty. I love listen to music, my favorite boysband is One Direction. My favorite song is ‘Rock me’. My crush is Niall.