Mrs Ellis and Mr Watkins Welcome to Year 5. Mrs Ellis and Mr Watkins
Homework expectations There will be one piece of EITHER Maths OR Literacy. These will be related to the work we will have been covering in class so this is a chance for children to explain and demonstrate their understanding of the topic to you. Children are also expected to have at least three reading diary entry into their reading diary, which has been signed by an adult each time. The children’s names go into a draw every half term and they have a chance to win a book token. Children who do not complete homework will complete it during breaktime.
PE Year 5 have their PE slot on a Wednesday (outside) and a Thursday (inside). We have both inside and outside PE When it is outside PE, children need to ensure they have the appropriate kit for being outside.
Rewards In class we have a reward system for those making the right choices and trying their best. As well as being given by adults working within year 5, children can be awarded these ‘monster’ points by any adult around school who sees them making the right choices or helping others. Top 3 scorers receive a prize.
Sanctions Children are encouraged to make the right choices about their behaviour and learning. If children are not making the right choices, they are given two reminders about what their behaviour should look like and the consequence explained if they do not follow the rules. A traffic light system is used and children will be moved down from green if they do not improve their behaviour from their two warnings. If their behaviour then improves they are moved back to green and no golden time has been lost. However, if the behaviour shows no sign of improvement, their name will be moved to red and 5 minutes Golden Time will be lost off the rocket. If the child is still making the wrong choices, they will be given time out (5mins) to reflect on their behaviour choices. Once this time has been completed, if they have had a positive reflection on their behaviour they return to class, otherwise they will be sent to a member of the Senior leadership team.
Writing Oxford Criterion Assessment Scale Year 5 Genre: 1 Genre: 1 Legible, fluent handwriting is mostly maintained when writing at sustained, efficient speed. 2 Beginning to adapt handwriting for a range of tasks and purposes, including for effect. 3 Accurate spelling, particularly of some suffixes as listed for Y5 and spell some words with silent letters e.g. knight, rhythm and solemn.* 4 Accurate spelling of some common homophones and other words which are often confused 5 Selects a wide range of known imaginative and ambitious vocabulary (words not usually used by a child of that age) and use precisely. 6 Uses commas after fronted adverbials. 7 A range of punctuation is used, mostly accurately (including: brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis; hyphens to avoid ambiguity or create a single idea; and consistent punctuation of bullet points). 8 Relative clauses using a wide range of relative pronouns e.g. who, which, where, when, whose, that etc. 9 Modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility. 10 Expanded noun phrases to develop ideas. 11 Uses punctuation to accurately indicate direct and indirect speech. 12 Links ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time e.g. later, of place e.g. nearby, or number e.g. secondly, or by tense choice e.g. he had seen her before. 13 Pronouns and nouns chosen to aid cohesion and clarity and to avoid repetition 14 Shows correct subject and verb agreement when using singular and plural before or after a main verb (e.g. The books, the pens and the pencils were all ready on the table…Were you injured?.... You were very greedy.) 15 Uses literary features to create effect (e.g. alliteration, onomatopoeia, figurative language, dialect, metaphor, simile). 16 Uses sophisticated conjunctions accurately (e.g. however, although, nevertheless, despite, since, as well as, when, which, until, even though). 17 Selects the correct genre for audience and purpose, and use it accurately. 18 Produces well-structured and organised writing using a range of conventions in layout. 19 Beginning to use organisational devices to guide the reader (e.g. columns, bullet points, tables, heading, sub-headings, underlining etc). 20 Uses paragraphs, including a range of devices to build cohesion within and across, yet not always accurately. 21 Selects appropriate grammar, vocabulary and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning (e.g. slang words and over exaggeration in diary writing). 22 Can produce thoughtful and considered writing (uses simple explanation, opinion, justification and deduction). *See National Curriculum for examples. Assessment Score Assessment: W = working towards A = working at ARE G = working at greater depth W: 8 – 11 A 12 – 18 G: 19 – 22 Writing
Vocabulary and grammar
Foundation curriculum *Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Autumn) *Conflict within the monarchies (Spring) *Ancient Greece(Summer)
Living things and their habitats Animals including humans Science Materials Forces Earth and Space Living things and their habitats Animals including humans