Basic Tenets of J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism Based solely on human reason and observation No revelation Easy to grasp; common-sense notions of right / wrong Consequentialist orientation: Argues that the outcomes, results, ends are more important than “intention” The morality of an action is a function of what follows from it Object (X) is good if it has good consequences; bad if it has bad consequences… The Principle of Utility Hedonism The Disinterested and Benevolent Spectator It is NOT THAT SIMPLE! We need to observe other valuable criteria…
The Principle of Utility The “greatest happiness principle” The right choice/action is the one that results in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Public Policy War But…what do we mean by “happiness”!
Hedonismbot - Futurama Mill: “By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure.” Principle: Happiness is pleasure and the absence of pain. Mill: only pleasure itself, or the absence of pain is to be considered good in itself… Mill: everything else that is called good is only good insofar as it leads to pleasure. Hedonism: the notion that pleasure is the only good that exists. Mill: there are various types of pleasure, and some are superior to others. They differ by: Duration, intensity and kind. “Those who have tasted the higher pleasures will never set them aside to pursue the lower ones, even if their attainment is more difficult.” Hedonismbot - Futurama Modern use of “hedonism”: a pleasure-seeker…with a ravenous desire for bodily or sensual pleasures (food, sex); a depraved creature who neglects the higher goods in life and merely seeks the instant gratification of his basest desires. While this is NOT the use of the word that Mill intends, he does recognize that this type of hedonistic expression exists…as a base level of pleasure (good)
The Disinterested and Benevolent Spectator So far: “The utilitarian not only seeks to produce the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number of people, but also the highest kinds of pleasure for the greatest number of people.” This demands an ethical concern for others, outside of one’s own self-interests. requires the subordination of one’s own happiness for the good of the whole. Mill: “A true utilitarian should be as strictly impartial as a disinterested and benevolent spectator.” Act like a person of good will who is not connected to the situation. This means: When evaluating various choices that one has been given in a situation, the moral agent should give equal consideration to each person effected by this decision, including himself. No special consideration given to ourselves or our loved ones. The happiness of each person should be given the same weight.
Utilitarianism After Mill Other Util. Considerations? Common Agreement / Utilitarians: There are different ways to define happiness. There are arguments about what constitutes good-ness. There is a basic rejection of hedonism (pleasure principle) as the defining premise of “happiness” and “good-ness” Additional goods should be considered. There are (arguably) different orders of goods. Only “intrinsic goods” should be taken into account when evaluating the morality of an action. In order to determine the morality of an act, one must “measure” the amount of good the act will produce, and subtract from this the amount of evil it will produce. The net result is the “utility” of the act. Use of Principle of Utility is a fundamental mechanism.
Utilitarianism and Kant Kantian The consequences of an action are the (only) morally relevant factor in any situation. There are situations where treating someone as a means to an end is acceptable, for the good of the whole. Our action can be justified as morally good if it results in the greatest amount of good for the most people. Do not believe consequences of an action have any moral relevance whatsoever. No one may ever be treated simply as a means (to an end) regardless of the (good) consequences it may bring. It is our actions or intentions that are right or wrong, regardless of what happens to result from them.
Utilitarianism and Christianity Mill: Utilitarianism is the perfection of the Golden Rule; Can the utilitarian take the bad with the good if his number is called? Consequences are the only factors to consider. Can justify an evil act; no such thing as an act evil in itself. People can be used as a means to a greater good for greater number; some lives are expendable. Christianity: No, it is not (uses person as means to an end); this is not the same as “love your neighbor as you love yourself”. Consequences are important factors, but not the only factors; objects and intentions are important too. Cannot justify an evil act using only consequences; some actions are categorically wrong. People have inherent dignity and value. Goal is to protect and uphold this. Credit should be extended to Util. for its concern for the welfare of society and its effort to secure the common good