GAPNA-GLC First Dual Meeting September 12, 2019 Andiamo, Livonia, Michigan and The Chop House, Grand Rapids, Michigan Sponsored by: Merck
President’s Report Nina
Thank you from GAPNA-GLC “Updated Considerations for Management of Clostridium difficile: A Case-Based Discussion.” Presenters: Chris Farnum, DO (Livonia) and Akshay Shah, MD (Grand Rapids) Sponsored by: Merck Thank you from GAPNA-GLC
CONGRATS!! Linda Keilman, DNP, GNP- BC, FAANP Of the Great Lakes Chapter on winning the 2019 GAPNA Award for Excellence in Community Service.
Secretary & treasurer’s Reports Maria and Diana
Approval of 3rd Quarterly 2019 Meeting Minutes Will be passed around and we can return at the end for approval
BUDGET PROPOSAL Category 2019-2020 P/A LEGISLATIVE *MICNP coalition $ $ BANKING *Check Image fees *FDS merchant acct * $1500/ 50/ 1000/ 450/ CHAPTER AWARDS *Prac/Lead plaques *Posters $1000/ 300/ 700/ CHAPTER *Ed/Bus mtg *BOD mtg *30th anniversary 750/ 250/ 500/ CHAPTER CONFERENCE *Honoraria *Speaker travel *Dearborn Inn *CE application *Postage *Brochures *Folders/CDs *Sponsor Poster *Refunds *ENP charges *Misc. (gift bags/badges, etc) *LARA name list $25,000/ 1650/ 14,300/ 2500/ 3200/ 300/ 1000/ 800/ 250/ CONFERENCE CALLS $1000/ GAPNA NATIONAL *Foundation Baskets *Archiving *Pres. Reimbursement *Pres.Elect Reimburse *Welcome gifts *New member brkfst *Chapter tables $7600/ 500/ 600/
BUDGET PROPOSAL TOTAL $50,120/ MARKETING/PRINTING *Promo Poster/Brochu *Advertising *Misc. Printing *MICNP membership $2000/ 300/ 700/ 800/ 200/ MISC EXPENSES *Memorials *Donations *Office Supplies *Monograph *Free membership $4200/ 2000/ 400/ 1000/ 100/ NP STUDENT SUPPORT *Student scholarship *Mentorship night Materials Food *Student director gift $6100/ 4000/ 600/ POST OFFICE BOX $150/ WEBSITE $70/ TOTAL $50,120/
GAPNA BOD REPORT Debbie and Michelle
Diane Stempak, Nina, Maria, Donna, Ruth, Michelle Old Business Diane Stempak, Nina, Maria, Donna, Ruth, Michelle
NP STUDENT MENTORSHIP NIGHT Planning has started and those interested should see Diane Stempak or a Board Member. March 17, 2020 at St. Mary Mercy Hospital
National Membership Drive Get 5 new members – get a FREE membership Get >5 new members – you enter a drawing for a FREE conference May 1 – December 31, 2019
GAPNA Exchange A communication platform for our organization Ability to join a SIG Send out Information blast, daily/weekly digest Upload a personal profile today!
GAPNA National Funding Reminder that grant money is available for: DNP Projects Research
Grand Rapids Connection
Sepsis Activities Around Town Stoney Creek Run and Healthy Livonia 5K both on September 8, 2019
NeW Business Nina and Group
Board of Directors: GAPNA GREAT LAKES CHAPTER President: Nina Ganesh Nandish President-Elect: Ruth Anne Pendergrast Immediate Past President: Donna Hamill Treasurer: Diana D. Burton Secretary: Maria Contreras Student Director at Large: Kristiana Hila
Become an Active Member! How Do We Serve??? Become an Active Member! So many ways to become involved Most meetings are held via teleconference Increased rewards with getting to know other members Committee membership may count toward re-certification Talk with a Board Member tonight!
Special Rates available and Delta Airline Discounts. Research/Project consultants available. GAPNA Basket Raffle ideas GAPNA Foundation Activities: Golf outing, Fun run/Walk, Donny and Marie Show. Several Industry Supported Presentations with meals. A Great way to network. GNCC: Earn the GS-C Credential Dementia Care Specialist Modules: Preconference workshop from UCLA Program, extended module deadline October 31.
12th Anniversary Annual Gerontological Nursing Conference Advancing Excellence in Geriatric Care Friday, November 1, 2019 Members Only Dinner Event Saturday, November 2, 2019 Conference
Committee reports Tom, Michelle, Cindy
College reports Group
Annoucements Group
UPCOMING EVENTS October 3-5, 2019 GAPNA National Conference in Las Vegas at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel. October 31 Deadline - Dementia Care Specialist modules. November 1-2, 2019 - GAPNA-GLC 12th Annual Gerontological Nursing Conference, Advancing Excellence in Geriatric Care, at The Dearborn Inn December 2019 - GAPNA-GLC Business Quarterly Meeting
Thank you and Drive Safely Home Nina and Group