Bible Study Techniques Correlation
Overview Overview of Correlation Cross-References Paraphrasing Outlines Other Translations Charts
Overview This lesson relies very heavily on the book Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible by Walter Henrichsen and Gayle Jackson
Overview of Correlation What is Correlation? Correlation is answering the question "where else does the Bible talk about this concept/character/event/etc...?" Correlation is primarily done through cross-referencing Word Parallel Corresponding Historical Idea Contrast There are some other forms of correlation Paraphrasing Outlines Other Translations Charts
Cross-References Word Cross-References Useful when dealing with keywords Tools include Concordance with Strong's Numbers Bible Dictionaries
Cross-References Corresponding Cross-References A corresponding cross-reference can refer to any one of several things A New Testament quote of an Old Testament verse 2 or more passages referring to the same event Tools include Concordance Other uses of keywords Synonyms Related words Treasure of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) Available on Blue Letter Bible Verse cross reference charts
Cross-References Historical Cross-References Historical cross-references allow you to find events that were happening at the same time as a passage in the immediate area or world Tools include TSK sometimes include historical tidbits Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Timelines Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, & Timelines Timetables of History A Bible handbook can help you find out about when a book was written
Cross-References Idea Cross-References Idea, or topical, cross-references are made when the Bible talks about a subject in more than one place Tools include Topical Bibles such as the Nave's Chain reference Bibles such as Thompson's
Cross-References Contrasting Cross-References This is the same as word cross-references except that you are looking for antonyms and contrasting ideas
Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is a form of correlation where you write a passage in your own words Do not stray from the ideas in the passage This is not a summary or your observations and interpretation As an example, compare any verse in your Bible to the Message translation
Outlines Outlining is similar to paraphrasing Be sure to include all of the authors ideas This can add a new perspective to a familiar passage
Other Translations Comparing passage in different translations can be helpful It adds a new perspective to a familiar passage Brings out nuances in a passage that might have been difficult to see in another translation
Charts Charts can help you identify the relationship between a passage and the verses surrounding it There are several formats you can use Survey Comparative Topical Grids Passage Descriptions Chronological Charts Illustrations
Charts Survey charts allow you to understand an entire passage in a glance Example Survey Chart Title (Book ch:vs-vs) Main Idea 1 Main Idea 2 Main Idea 3 Main Idea 4 Main Idea 5 Main Idea 6 v1 v10 v11 v15 v16 v19 v20 v21 Related Idea a1 Related Idea a2 Related Idea a3 Related Idea a4 Related Idea b1 Related Idea b2 Related Idea b3 Related Idea b4
Charts Comparative charts are used to sort a mix of information Example comparative chart using Paul's missionary journeys Paul's Journeys Journey Date Places visited/ length of stay Churches established Travel Companions Letters Written 1 2 3
Topic: my topic, Passage: the passage Charts Topical grids are used to sort a mix of information and break down the topics discussed in a passage Example topical chart Topic: my topic, Passage: the passage Verse Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 1 2 3
Charts Passage descriptions can help you understand the content in a chapter Break down the chapter into paragraphs List the starting and ending verse of each paragraph Write down key thoughts in the blocks with a reference to the verse Example passage description chart Passage: the passage Paragraph 1 – vv. a1-z1 Paragraph 2 – vv. a2-z2 Paragraph 3 – vv. a3-z3 v. d1: description v. r2: description v. b3: description v. f1: description v. t2: description v. g3: description v. k1: description v. x2: description v. z3: description
Title: Jesus's Ministry Charts Chronological charts can help you understand the order of events Example chronological chart Title: Jesus's Ministry Ministry Year Mathew Mark 1 2 3
Charts Illustrations are a way to creatively express the idea or flow of a passage
Materials and Resources Links to materials and resources mentioned, as well as the handouts, PowerPoint slides, and lecture notes, can be found at