Dividing Decimals #4
Terminating Decimals is a decimals having a finite number of digits after the decimal point Vocabulary: Division Quotient 0.15 5 0.75 Divisor Dividend Repeating decimal is a decimal in which a pattern of one or more digits is repeated indefinitely (ex: 3.545454…
I DO (foldable)
I DO (foldable) 12.95 / 1.25= 10.36 Make the divisor an integer (whole number) by moving the decimal to the right Move the decimal point of the dividend to the right the same number of places Place your decimal in the quotient (bring it straight up) Divide
WE DO (notes)
ADV Dividing Decimals Task Cards REG Dividing Decimals Task Cards YOU DO (classwork) ADV Dividing Decimals Task Cards REG Dividing Decimals Task Cards Dividing by a multi-digit decimal https://www.khanacademy.org/video/dividing-decimals Dividing decimals with hundredths example 3 https://www.khanacademy.org/video/dividing-decimal