5th Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Glass, & Mrs. Hobbs Ms. Johnson
Agenda for the Day Introductions Procedures Curriculum Math English Language Arts Science/Social Studies
Important School Information WMES website: wmes.madisoncity.k12.al.us INOW If you are having problems with INOW please contact the school @ 256-837-1189
Contact Information Mrs. Berry pcberry@madisoncity.k12.al.us Mrs. Hobbs khobbs@madisoncity.k12.al.us Mrs. Glass alglass@madisoncity.k12.al.us
Homework Expectations Math/Science/Social Studies – as needed Reading/English Language Arts– choice reading, 20 minutes every night PAWPAD – Students write down any assigned homework Students will have time to write down assignments at the beginning or end of class Forgot it? – No going back to class for items forgotten No late work accepted w/o excused absence
Homework Expectations Continued Make up work – Student’s Responsibility - UPON RETURNING TO SCHOOL Teachers will get work together if the absence is more than 3 days Request work by 8:00 that morning; pick up between 1-2:00 in the front office A zero will be entered the day of their absence and modified upon completion of assignment with a determined time frame This can vary depending on how long the student was out of class.
5th Grade Field Trip Tennessee Aquarium – October 12th. More information will be sent home within the next 2 weeks Camp McDowell – March 6-8 More information will be sent out at a later date
Procedures Always come to class prepared with materials. (homework, AR books, notebooks, binder, pencils) Always be respectful of the classroom environment (equipment, teacher, peers) Always do your best!
WM School Wide Rules Rules: SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW Respect Responsibility Honesty Self-control
5th Grade Discipline System We are implementing a school wide discipline system called Class Dojo. This is a behavior management system. Students will begin each week with 5 points and points will be deducted when they do not follow a school rule. Everyone starts the beginning of a new week with a clean slate; points are cumulative throughout the week.
Curriculum – English Language Arts 5th Grade Textbook – Wonders Wonders is a comprehensive reading program We will teach mini-lessons for all core skills Students will use a Literature Anthology for application of skills. https://my.mheducation.com/login
Writing Across all Curriculum Areas Science Social Studies Math
5th Grade Math Math Textbook enVision Web-based - online examples and tutorials, including online quizzes/tests for student practice as an option. Focus: Collaboration, critical thinking and word problems Homework will usually consist of workbook pages or individual projects on an as needed basis https://www.pearsonschool.com/env_wheel/index.cfm
Ms. Johnson kejohnson@madisoncity.k12.al.us Advanced Math Curriculum Night Wednesday, August 29 5:30 At Central Office Boardroom
5th Grade Science/Social Studies History United States History Science STEMscopes Homework Assigned
Thank you!