Moon The Moon
Maria Terrae Montes Appeninus Mare Tranquillitatis Appenine Mountains Sea of Traquility Copernicus Kepler Mare Crisium Sea of Crises Maria Terrae Maria are big flows of basalt – newer rock. Highlands are older rock. Tycho Oceanus Procelarum Ocean of Storms
Important Distances 3 474km 380 000km
Rotational & Orbital Periods both 27.3 days Tidal locking as lunar mass not distributed evenly
Lunik 3. October 1959. First 17 pictures of the far side of the moon. First seen by humns from Apollo 8.
Which is the dark side of the Moon? Far side. Fewer seas.
Lunar orbiter Programme % NASA satelites 1966 -67
Rilles- lava flows? Straight or curved
Wrinkle Ridges- contraction when lava cools?
Why does he need the back pack? What does this mean for the dust
“The dust was so abrasive that it actually wore through three layers of Kevlar material on Jack Schmitt’s boot.”
Desert soil and garden soil grains
Lunar Regiolith = Moon Dust Comminution: mechanical breaking of rocks and minerals into smaller particles by meteorite and micrometeorite impact; Agglutination: welding of mineral and rock fragments together by micrometeorite-impact-produced glass; Solar wind spallation and implantation: sputtering caused by impacts of ions and high energy particles. Lunar Regiolith = Moon Dust
fire fountaining, whereby volcanic lava is lofted and cools into small glass beads before falling back to the surface. Glass beads evidence of past volcanic activity.
Soil from Shorty crater. Taurus- Littgow Valley. Apollo17
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Structure of moon interior Composition of lunar atmosphere Solar wind Lunar gravity fluctuation Micrometeorites Lunar dust Properties of sub-surface
Possible ways the Moon formed Co-formation Capture Fission Giant Impact Oxygen isotope ratios same on Earth and Moon Lack of volatiles (eg water) on Moon KREEP rocks in Ocean of Storms
Protoplanet Theia strikes earth a glancing blow 4.5 billion years ago Theia. Glancing Blow. Originally the Moon was much closer to Earth but it spiralled out as angular momentum transferred as they became tidally locked