Daily Bulletin Wednesday 9 January 2019
Group Photographs +Catch-up tomorrow – Assembly Hall All SLT and all S6 pupils – group photograph at 9.00am then - 6B at 9.30am, 6D at 9.40am, 6L at 9.50am, 6M at 10.00am List of catch-ups for other year groups is on the News section of the website. New members of staff or any member of staff without a photographic ID should attend first thing [8.00 – 8.55am] or during morning break.
School Show Rehearsals Show rehearsals will be in Miss Mairs’ room tomorrow. Check the show noticeboard to see if you are required to attend. Miss Wood
Football Trip Parental slips and £50 deposit for Manchester City v Chelsea football trip must be handed in by this Friday at the latest. If you took a slip but cannot make it, please let Mr Aitken know asap. Mr Aitken
Gymnastics Club Training sessions will now take place on Thursdays after school. Miss Maclaine
S1 Outdoor Learning The following students should pick up a reminder slip from the main office asap. Megan McDonald, Keiran Higgins, Daniel Lanni, Ciara Dempsey, Nicole Allan, Martha Bell, Rudy McWilliams, Eliza Alksne, Kacper Cybulski, Cole Horsburgh, Leah Binnie, Tod Morham. Any questions see Miss Jameson in PE.