CIT GTC EurAsia: Point 3 of the UNECE Ministerial Declaration


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Presentation transcript:

CIT GTC EurAsia: Point 3 of the UNECE Ministerial Declaration SC.2 Meeting, 23 November 2015, Geneva Dr Erik Evtimov Deputy Secretary General CIT

Opportunities & challenges for railway companies today: Eurasian Freight Corridors - An existing market with potential Freight traffic China-Europe ~ 90% Sea/40 days < 10% Air/1 day ~ 1% Railway/ ~15 days ~ 30 freight trains per week 2

Potential for parcels transportation between China and Europe by rail

Scope of application of CIM and SMGS Etat au 1er novembre 2015 Stand 1. November 2015 Situation on 1 November 2015 SMGS CIM CIM + SMGS Membership suspended Associate Member

Unified Rail Transport Law Solutions to increase railway competitiveness: UNECE Joint Declaration Joint Declaration on the promotion of Euro-Asian Rail Transport and activities towards Unified Railway Law (26 February 2013, Geneva): Important step towards a solution to unify different legal regimes State of play: Draft of relevant legal provisions is being discussed within the UNECE Groups of Experts towards Unified Railway Law (last meeting took place on 14–16 October 2015). CIT supports efforts at the governmental level and encourages legislation that is suitable from the viewpoint of the carriers to promote competitiveness of the Eurasian railway transportation. SMGS COTIF/CIM Unified Rail Transport Law

Solutions to increase railway competitiveness: GTC Eurasia as instrument on contractual level General Terms and Conditions for EurAsia Rail Transport Contracts of the CIT (GTC EurAsia) Point 3 - of the UNECE Political Declaration Framework contract - for participating railways (on different corridors) Applicable law - mandatory provisions of the national law shall apply Precondition – opting-in through the participating railways (for example DB, PKP Cargo, BC, RZD and CCTT or GETO) Legal basis - international private law (IPR)

Electronic CIM/SMGS Consignment Note Functional specifications: updated based on the revision of SMGS (1 January 2016) Legal specifications: to be analyzed an updated in 2016 Current work: Ad hoc technical WG on e-consignment note CIM/SMGS (CIT, OSJD, RAILDATA and experts from CIM & SMGS RUs) Tasks: - revision of the technical specifications; - work towards development of the XML/EDIFACT converter; - the role of electronic signature in SMGS area.

Practical use of the CIM/SMGS Consignment note: Actions Inclusion of the three re-consignment points from China into GLV-CIM/SMGS: Alshankou – Dostyk (China and Kazakhstan); Erljan – Zaminuud (China and Mongolia); Manzuli – Zabaikalsk (China and Russia); Pilot project with UPU on transport of postal parcels by rail: Use of CIT uniform consignment note CIM/SMGS; Utilization of the GTC EurAsia; Framing the boilerplate contract or a checklist for transport of postal items by rail in CIM/SMGS traffic; CIT Workshop on Postal Consignments by Rail, 17 March 2016 Practical implementation of the GTC EurAsia in collaboration with the CCTT Coordinated revision of the specimen of the CIM/SMGS, CIM and SMGS consignment notes in 2017-2018 CIT’s engagement in the work of the UNECE Group of Experts towards Unified Railway Law 8 8

Success story for the railways Good Quality of infrastructure Technical interoperability (vehicle authorisation and safety certification) Level playing field with other transport modes Competitive and transparent charges for use of infrastructure Less administrative burdens: New regulatory requirements when customers benefit Stable and fair legal framework

Conclusions Electronic CIM/SMGS consignment note General Terms and Conditions EurAsia Best case: transportation of postal items by rail Unified Rail Transport Law Savings in time and costs Simplification of customs formalities Greater legal certainty Larger share of the market

Erik Evtimov Deputy Secretary General, CIT Tel: + 41 31 350 01 97 E-mail: