Spring term 1 RE assessment criteria Assessment criteria for schools using the model RE curriculum map
Year R: Big question: Why do Christians believe Jesus is special? Week 1: Who is special to you? Who is particularly special to Christians? Week 2: Why do Christians believe that they are special to Jesus? Week 3: What made Jesus a special child for Christians? Week 4: What made Jesus a special grown up? Week 5: What made Jesus a special grown up? Week 6: What does Jesus teach Christians? Remembering To be introduced to the core concept : Creation To know the creation story To know that for Christians God is the Creator To understand what a harvest festival is Bible references that need to be referred to: Matthew 10 v 29 - 31, Psalm 139 v 13 - 14 Religious vocabulary Christian God Creator Bible Beginning Old Testament Special Precious Unique Care Love Thankfulness Harvest Harvest celebrations What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teachings, sources of wisdom and authority: I can talk about the creation story (Exp) I can remember the creation story and talk about it (Exceeding) Questions of values and commitments I can say what is special/precious to me (Exp) I can talk about what is special to me and others (Exceeding)
Year 1: Big question: What is it like to live as a Jew Year 1: Big question: What is it like to live as a Jew? Week 1: Why are these objects special? Week 2: What is it like to live as a Jewish person? Week 3: What is the Torah and how is it used in the Jewish faith? Week 4: What is the importance of Shabbat within the Jewish faith? Week 5: How do Jews worship in the synagogue? Week 6: How do Jewish people worship? Remembering To know the meaning of the Star of David, prayer cap, (Kippah) prayer shawl, (Tallit) , yad, Torah, candle, Challah loaf and Menorah. To know what the Torah is and how it is used by the Jewish people. To understand the meaning of Shabbat and what happens during Shabbat including the meal. The role the synagogue plays in the life of a Jewish family. (A visit to a synagogue should be encouraged.) To understand how the Jewish community worship. Religious vocabulary Judaism Jewish people Star of David Torah Yad Kippah Tallit Shabbat Challah loaf Synagogue Rabbi What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can talk about some of the Jewish symbols ie Star of David. (WT) I can recognise the different Jewish symbols and can talk about them. (Exp) I can recognise that Jewish symbols, words and actions (worship and the Shabbat meal) have meaning and I am beginning to understand their importance to the Jewish community. (GD) Questions of identity, diversity and belonging: I can talk about the things my family do that are important ie celebrations, rituals, sharing meals together, family gatherings etc (WT) I can ask questions about the Jewish faith and other faiths in our school. (Exp) I am beginning to understand why faith communities do what they do and respond sensitively to those things. (GD)
Year 2: Big question: Why are they having a Jewish party Year 2: Big question: Why are they having a Jewish party? (Weeks 4 and 5 to combine and weeks 6 and 7 to combine) Week 1: Why are they having a party? Week 2: What is Rosh Hashanah? Week 3: Why is Rosh Hashanah important to the Jewish People? Week 4: Why are they having another Jewish Party? (Sukkot) Week 5: What are the Jewish people remembering at the festival of Sukkot? Week 6: Why are they having a Jewish Party in December (Hanukhah) Week 7: What are the Jewish people celebrating at their festival of Hanukkah? Week 8: Why are they having a Jewish festival of Purim? Remembering To know some of the key festivals that are important to Jewish people: Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim) To know how each festival is celebrated and its meaning. To know how the festivals are similar to other religious festivals/ cultural celebrations. To know that the festivals are key points for the Jewish people in helping them remember their history. Religious vocabulary Judaism Jewish people Festival Celebration Rosh Hashanah Sukkot Sukkah Hanukkah Menorah Light Temple Purim What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of living: I can recall and name the different Jewish festivals. (WT) I can ask questions and respond to questions about why the Jewish people celebrate each festival. (Exp) I can begin to describe things that make being a Jewish person different from a non-Jewish person but similar to other faith believers. (GD) Questions of values and commitments: I can talk about things that are important to me. (WT) I am beginning to be able to express my own opinion and recognise there is often more than one answer. (Exp) I am beginning to make links between things that are important to me and the way I think and behave. (Eg My family are important to me and I therefore make time for them. It is important that I remember family and friends Birthdays so I will always send a card.) (GD)
Year 3 : Big question: What does it mean to be a Jew Year 3 : Big question: What does it mean to be a Jew? Week 1: What is a promise / covenant? Week 2: What is the significance of the shema? Week 3: What is the significance of passover to Jewish People? Week 4: What is the importance of the Seder Meal for Jews? Week 5: What is the importance of the 10 commandments to Jewish people? Week 6: What have I learnt about what it means to be a Jew? Remembering To know what a promise / covenant is To understand the significant of the Shema (Affirmation of the Jewish faith) To know the significance of the Passover to Jewish people To know the importance of the Sedar meal for Jews To know the importance of the 10 commandments to Jewish people Religious vocabulary Judaism, Jew, Jewish, God, descendants, promise, covenant, Moses declaration, sacrifice, faith trust, obedience, Shema, Mezuzah, Deuteronomy (5th book of the Torah), verse Exodus, Plight, Plague, Passover/Pesach, Egyptians, Israelites, slaves, Matzah, exile, commandment What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority: I can retell a religious story and say what special book it comes from. (WT) I can describe what a Jewish person might learn from a sacred text and what it might mean. (Exp) I can make links between the beliefs and teachings in the sacred texts and show how they are connected to believers’ lives. (GD) Questions of values and commitments: I can begin to express my own ideas and opinions and understand that there may be more than one answer. (WT) I can link things that are important to me and other people with the way they think and behave. (Exp) I can confidently ask questions about the moral decisions I make and suggest what might happen as a result of different decisions, including those made with reference to my own beliefs/values. (GD)
Year 4 : Big question: What is the importance of the symbolism, beliefs and teaching in Hinduism? Week 1: One God or many? Week 2: Do Hindus have a sacred text? Week 3: What do you find in a Hindu Mandir? Week 4: What can we learn from how Hindus worship at home? Week 5: What is significant about the festival of Raksha Bandhan? Week 6: What is the real meaning of Diwali? Remembering To know there is one supreme God (Brahman) To understand the concept of the Trimurti (Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu) and their three main functions To know the importance of the Bhagavad Gita as a sacred text to Hindus. To recognise the Mandir as an important place of worship for Hindus To know importance worship plays in a Hindu home To know the meaning of the festival Raksha Bandhan and its significance To know the meaning behind the festival Diwali Religious Vocabulary Brahman (God) Brahma Vishnu Shiva Deity Trimurti Aum (Om) Avatar Bhagavad Gita Mandir Puja Prashad Arti Priest (See Glossary in planning for meaning) What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority: I can describe what a believer might learn from a religious story in the Bhagavad Gita (Story of Diwali) and understand how it might impact on a believer’s life(WT) I can make links between the teachings found in the Bhagavad Gita and sacred texts of another faith and show how they impact on a believer’s life (Exp) I can begin to suggest reasons for the similarities between the teaching found in sacred texts of different faiths and begin to recognise some differences (GD) Questions of values and commitments: I can make links between what is important to me and how it influences the way I think and behave (WT) I can confidently ask questions about the moral decisions I can make, and suggest the consequences of either choice (Exp) I can begin to express both my own and others’ ideas about ethical choices (right and wrong) (GD) Practices and ways of living: I can describe and begin to make links between some of the things that are the same and different for Hindus and people of other faiths (WT) I can use the correct religious vocabulary to describe the practice of worship in Hinduism and compare this with the practices of worship in other faiths (Exp) I can describe the purpose of belonging to, and practising, a faith for a believer, and explain the difference it makes to the lives of individuals and communities (GD)
Year 5: Big question: What do Sikhs believe Year 5: Big question: What do Sikhs believe? Week 1: What do Sikhs believe about God? Week 2: Why was Guru Nanak so important? Week 3: What does it mean to be equal? Week 4: What is the significance of the Amrit Ceremony for Sikhs? Week 5 and 6: What symbols do Sikhs use to show their Faith? I Remembering To know what Sikhs believe about God. To know who Guru Nanak was and why he is important to Sikhism. To know the story of Guru Gobind Singh To understand why equality is important in Sikhism. To know the meaning behind the Amrit Ceremony. To understand the meaning behind the 5 K’s. Religious vocabulary Sikhism Sikh God Guru Gobind Singh Guru Nanak Faith Commitment Equality Amrit Ceremony Belonging Khalsa Kesh Kanga Kara Kirpan Kachera What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Year 3 need changing Beliefs, teachings, sources of wisdom and authority: I can make links between the beliefs and teaching of the Faith and how they are connected to a believer’s life. (WT) I can suggest reasons for similar and different beliefs which people hold and explain how religious sources are used to provide answers to important questions – eg – what equality means. What it means to belong? (Exp) I can say what Sikhism teaches about some of the big questions in life and explain how these vary within the faith itself. (GD) Questions of meaning, purpose and truth: I can apply my own ideas about questions related to, equality, belonging and commitment. (WT) I can ask questions about the meaning and purpose of life and suggest answers which relate to the search for truth in our lives. (Exp) I can given reasoned examples that express my own insight into mine and others views about the big questions about the meaning and purpose of life and the search for truth - eg what does equality mean and why is it important? Is it important to belong? What difference does belonging make to the purpose of life? (GD)
Year 6: Big question: What does it mean to be a Buddhist Year 6: Big question: What does it mean to be a Buddhist? Week 1: What are the Buddhist symbols and what do they mean? Week 2: What is the eight-fold path and how do Buddhist use it in their daily life? Week 3: How and where do Buddhists practice their faith? How do Buddhist believe that you could reach Nirvana? Week 4: What is it like to live in the sangha? Week 5: What do Buddhist’s believe in the meaning of life and what happens after death? Week 6: How are my beliefs similar and different to a person who practices Buddhism? Remembering To know the meaning of the eight-fold path. To understand the meaning of Nirvana. To understand what it means to live in a sangha community. To understand the meaning of life and death for a Buddhist. Religious vocabulary Buddha Nirvana Sangha Karma Dharma Samsara Temple Anitya Siddhartha Entitlement What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can show understanding of how a Buddhist expresses their faith. (WT) I can consistently use correct religious and philosophical vocabulary to explain how a Buddhist expresses their faith. (Exp) I can use a wide range of religious and philosophical vocabulary as well to explain how a Buddhist might express their religious, ethical and spiritual beliefs in a number of ways. (GD) Questions of meaning, purpose and truth: I can represent the views of a Buddhist about what they see the meaning of life to be. (WT) I can express confidently the views of how a Buddhist might view the meaning of life and truth and my own views about life and truth. (Exp) I can give a personal view with reasons and examples of how a Buddhist might view the meaning of life and truth and compare it to the views of non religious and believers of other faiths.