Achievement Award Jaxon For great toilet training – he is even asking to go to the toilet without anyone reminding him. Well done Jaxon! Date: 8th February 2019
Achievement Award Ercan For excellent engagement in all lessons, completing tasks and following adult modelling and instructions. Well done Ercan! Date: 8th February 2019
Achievement Award Jakub For wearing his ‘big boy pants’ and keeping them dry all week. Well done Jakub! Date: 8th February 2019
Achievement Award Danyl For fantastic concentration in our writing session by accurately overwriting the letter ‘g’ using a tripod grip. Well done Danyl! Date: 8th February 2019
Achievement Award Sophia For trying out the new wedge as part of her physiotherapy programme and doing really well with it. Well done Sophia! Date: 8th February 2019
Achievement Award Alix Alix participated enthusiastically in our 60’s music session. Well done Alix! Date: 8th February 2019
For staying on the wedge for 15 minutes. Well done Summer! Achievement Award Summer For staying on the wedge for 15 minutes. Well done Summer! Date: 8th February 2019
Communicator of the Week Amanda For using her PECS to make requests around the classroom, gaining an adult’s attention and exchanging the symbol at lots of different times throughout the day. Well done Amanda! Date: 8th February 2019
Communicator of the Week Evan For enthusiastic participation in makaton choir - great signing, singing and voluntarily helping to put the chairs out for everyone. Well done Evan! Date: 8th February 2019
Communicator of the Week Steven For beginning to copy and engage with signing during our morning routine. Well done Steven! Date: 8th February 2019