What is HE and Why Go!
35-40,000 courses in the UK alone, at approx. 150 universities What are my options? 35-40,000 courses in the UK alone, at approx. 150 universities University, FE College or Apprenticeship Studying beyond 18 years of age Ask the students what they think higher education is? Ask for a show of hands of who is thinking of going to University, College or applying for an apprenticeship? Study that is geared more towards your career ambitions. In either of these three locations - Mention Higher and Degree Apprenticeships (HADA) and the link to university as they study 1 day in a HE provider so still get that university opportunity But that is not 35,000-40,000 completely different subjects, but a mix of the same with a different focus ~(history 231, maths 193, Childhood studies 143) There are 150 places other than universities to do a degree at
Careers begin and the world is your oyster! My Higher Education journey What A levels did you take? What did you achieve? How long was my degree course? When did you start applying for graduate jobs? Careers begin and the world is your oyster! This slide is optional - only deliver this slide if you have the time
You choose what subject you study Why go? Life skills Social life & making friends for life. You choose what subject you study Employability and Career goals Why would you go to University? Life Skills If you/your child lives away from home whilst at university they will learn to develop valuable life skills such as cooking for themselves, cleaning, doing laundry and managing their finances. You chose what subject you study With thousands of higher education courses on offer there really is something for everyone. University gives you the opportunity to study a subject you’re interested in/passionate about – taught by experts. This combination can lead to fantastic results. It’s also worth mentioning - vocational degrees or those with work experience or placements, so those of you who prefer to gain practical experience along side your qualification Social life & making friends for life A full and varied social life usually goes hand in hand with being a university student! From social events throughout the year to clubs, societies, sporting and volunteering opportunities – your child will never be bored and will have the chance to throw themselves into a rich and varied social scene, make new friends, discover new interests and grow in confidence – useful skills for the future whatever direction they take Employability and Career goals University is not just about having fun, it’s about developing your employability skills, soft skills, time keeping, communication, team work
But … it has to be right for you! Why people go Three reasons people choose to study a HE qualification: Presenters choice you can either use slide 4 or 5 – which ever you feel most comfortable explaining. 1. Learning about something you really enjoy. People go to uni to learn more about things that they love – brand new subjects or old ones. 2. Career Goals. There are a number of careers out there where a degree is required to be allowed to practice – paramedic, lawyer, doctor, architect, Lecturer 3. Employability – only 20% of current graduate roles require students to have studied a specific degree subject, the other 80% of graduate careers do not specify, they want the skills that come from having completed a degree But … it has to be right for you!
Independence - Making your own decisions and looking after yourself! Benefits of Independence - Making your own decisions and looking after yourself! Budgeting! Meeting new people Finding yourself Trying new activities through clubs and societies: Cheerleading, Doctor Who, Kickboxing, Equestrian, Film & Arts… Budgeting: food, bills, travel etc
Financial Benefits of HE Research suggests that people with good GCSE grades earn an est. £2,000 a year more than those who don’t. Graduates earn 25% more over an average lifetime of earnings compared to non-grads with 2 A levels . * High Fliers Research Limited ‘The Graduate Market in 2015’ https://www.graduate-jobs.com/gco/Booklet/graduate-salary-salaries.jsp https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/junior-doctors-strike-how-their-pay-compares-to-other-graduate-professions-nhs-jeremy-hunt-a6863101.html Average graduate starting salary £19,000–£22,000; for highflyers its 30k * Most generous highflyer mean salaries Investment banks £45k Law firms £40k Banking & Finance £36.5k Oil & Energy companies £32.5k
Your options for university Campus or city university Types of learning and types of assessment Live on campus or live at home Internships / Work experience / Placement / Year abroad Full time / Part time Distance Learning – online, HNC/HND Degree Apprenticeships You can make you HE decision why taking into account how use wish to do it. Ask someone for the difference between a city or campus university – then play about 30 sec-1 minutes of the video for those who have never been Describe the formats of study – lecture, seminar, labs, group study and essay, exam, presentations, assessed practical Explain they can attend from home or move in Things they can also do throughout their degree or as part of it Full time or part time if they would rather go straight to work Attending uni is not the only way to study further. They can do a degree online or through work via the HNC/HND/TOP UP to degree. Higher National Certificate or Diploma can be done whilst you’re working. You may have to go to a university one fortnight a month for classes. Generally this is delivered with the employers support Explain a higher apprenticeship
www.thestudentroom.com www.UCAS.com www.gov.uk/student-finance www.moneysavingexpert.com www.lynda.com Useful websites
Questions? Visit the complete university guide to learn more. https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/preparing-to-go/advice-for-parents/