Welcome to CAB 2019-2020
CAB 2019-2020 Agenda for Orientation Welcome Process for Curricular Change Membership Introductions CAB Website CAB Overview Sample CAB Proposal Charge Considerations What We Do Resources When Do Programs Come to Us Access to Documents
Introductions Name New or Returning What you most recently watched (TV, streaming, movie etc).
CAB Overview - Charge The Curriculum Advisory Board (CAB) is charged with reviewing all changes in curricula or catalog listings, including the addition of new courses and programs, and making recommendations to the designated Academic Officer in accordance with the policies of the Collin College Board of Trustees, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and the US Department of Education (USED). Further, the CAB is charged with providing a faculty-driven forum to address college-wide issues through a curricular perspective.
What We Do All members of the CAB shall review each course / program proposal to verify the following: The course / program is consistent with the mission and strategic plan of Collin College. The course / program is relevant to its degree / certificate plan. The course / program is not a duplication of other courses / programs offered at Collin. The course / program title seems appropriate.
What We Do (Cont’d) All members of the CAB shall review each course / program proposal to verify the following: The course / program includes measurable student learning outcomes. The program includes the necessary courses to satisfy any technical and general education curriculum requirements of all approving bodies. The course / program has sufficient resources and commitment to support the proposal. Course Inventory enrollments will be considered to maintain a curriculum that contributes to institutional effectiveness.
What We Do (Cont’d) All members of the CAB shall review each course / program proposal to verify the following: The course title leads with wording from the Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) if an academic transfer course or wording from the Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM) if the course is a technical workforce course. The course description is appropriate and includes all the THECB-approved and necessary information (prerequisites, lab hours, etc.) Compliance with common course numbering, accuracy of approval numbers, and other administrative details consistent with the guidelines of the THECB, the SACSCOC, and the USED.
When Do Programs Come to Us When there is something new Examples: a new program, field of study, AA or AS, course, local needs course, workforce course, or marketable skills Revisions Examples: adding a new course to a program, modifying program requirements, or deletion of certain requirements
When Programs Come to Us (cont’d) Marketable Skills – Cindy Gruver
Process for Curricular Change (flowchart) The initiator of the request (often, the Discipline Lead) meets with the relevant Dean(s) (and, when appropriate, Associate Dean(s)) The Discipline Lead contacts the curriculum office The Discipline Lead and the curriculum office coordinate the necessary paperwork and documentation The curriculum coordinator sets the CAB presentation time The Discipline Lead makes a CAB presentation and CAB votes The curriculum coordinator or CAB Chair notifies the Dean(s) of the outcome (revise and resubmit, approve, or deny) Recommendations are also sent to appropriate academic officers The CAB chair presents recommendations to the Academic Leadership Team The CAB chair updates CAB on the recommendations (what the leadership team decided)
Curriculum Flow Chart
Membership CAB Chair – formally guides the meetings (selected by voting members) CAB Chair Elect – in training to be chair and leads meetings when the Chair is absent (selected by the voting members) Faculty Council Rep. – gives reports of Faculty Council meetings when possible (usually, a volunteer voting member) Academic and Workforce Deans’ Liaisons – non-voting Liaison from Student Enrollment Services – non-voting Liaison from Institutional Research Office – non-voting Liaison from Academic Partnerships – non-voting
Membership One representative from each Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Selected by Deans One representative from the group of Discipline Directors One representative from Developmental Education Voting members - serve as liaisons to their academic areas to both the Dean and faculty
Membership 3-year commitment (1 yr. = 1 academic year), including the summer after the third year Miss no more than 2 meetings per semester; when you need to miss… Notify CAB chair AND Curriculum Office gcmiller@collin.edu kmurph@collin.edu Cell-972-832-0368 Office 972-758-3862 Cell- 972-948-3508 Attendance is important CAB voting members are needed to make quorum Proxy counts toward the quorum vote For a proxy to be valid, the proxy must contain your vote, concerns, and questions Send proxies to gcmiller@collin.edu or sgeraghty@collin.edu CAB decisions are decided by a 2/3 vote or ½ +1
Curriculum Website Cougarweb Faculty Tab Faculty Links – Curriculum
Sample CAB Items to Review (2/27) Agenda Expedited Reports AAS – Health Information Management Red = delete Blue = Add Green = Change
Considerations Changes to awards - may have implications to other awards within a program. We should broaden our perspective to look at the entire program. Gen Ed Courses - If a specific course is proposed, there should be a rationale for it. Sequence and prerequisites should have been addressed in the program outline.
Resources Workforce Programs WECM - Tom AAS General Education Core Academic Emphasis_FOS_Form (AF) CAB Membership CAB Meeting Dates – Business Meeting CAB Operational Procedures and Guidelines General Education Core New Program Proposal Checklist Programs and Awards Quick Guide
Access to Documents Karen e-mails documents to members ~1 week before meeting along with agenda Contact the Help Desk if you need updated Adobe software to open the documents
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?