Lessons 13-14 Vocabulary Latin I March 10-14, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons 13-14 Vocabulary Latin I March 10-14, 2014

ager, agri (m.) field

captivus captivi m. prisoner

cena cenae f. dinner

filius, fili (m.) son

magister, magistri magistra, magistrae (f.) (m.) teacher

puer, pueri (m.) boy

vir, viri (m.) man

amicus, amica, amicum friendly

liber, libera, liberum free (adj.)

noster, nostra, nostrum our

sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred

singuli, singulae, singula one at a time, one by one

moveo, movere, movi, motus move

voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus call

e, ex (+ abl.) out from, from, out of

a, ab (+ abl.) away from, from, by (means of)

de (+ abl.) down from, from, about, concerning