Fieldwork 3- All About Assignment 4 The Mini-Takeover
Table of Contents Slides 3-4 Overview Slides 5-7 Where can you get information about this assignment? Slides 8-12 What steps do I take early in the placement to prepare? Slides 13-16 Details you need later, once you are about to complete the assignment
Overview: Why Assignment 4: Mini-Takeover? Preparation for student teaching Go beyond just teaching one lesson
OVERVIEW: TIMELINE FOR ASSIGNMENT 4 The mini-takeover should be completed toward the end of your placement You should be gradually taking on more whole-class responsibilities leading up to the mini-takeover
Where do I find information about Assignment 4: Mini-takeover?
Your checklist lists the steps in abbreviated form
Steps to take early in the placement
FIRST STEP: TALK WITH CT TO DETERMINE PLAN OF ACTION Explain the assignment to the CT in visit 2 or 3 You should reread the assignment in the syllabus BEFORE talking to your CT Then, look at the checklist with your CT If you are having difficulties, email your supervisor. By visit 5, you should have a plan so you can complete assignment 4 in visit 7, 8, 9, or 10
Next Step: Make a specific plan with your CT so you can work up to the mini-takeover By visit 5 or so, teach a whole-class lesson during a fieldwork lesson Then on your next fieldwork day, do transition into lesson and whole-class lesson Then on your next fieldwork day, do the transition into lesson, whole-class lesson, transition to next lesson…
Common Questions Q: I am in a departmentalized setting (example: teach math and students rotate by period) A: Teach 2 back-to-back periods Q: We have special and then lunch, so there is no time where two lessons happen right after each other A: You should transition kids into 1st lesson, transition them to special, transitions them back, teach 2nd lesson, transition them to lunch
When in doubt, remember the purpose of this assignment The purpose of this assignment is to “go beyond” just teaching 1 lesson…because in student teaching you will be handling all of the transitions AND back-to- back lessons Reach out to your supervisor if you are in a Montessori classroom or have other circumstances and need help to think through how this assignment will look in your classroom context
Details about Assignment 4 you need later
Reread the assignment in the syllabus The arrows point to the most common questions I receive, so read those parts carefully
After you have completed your mini-takeover… 1. Find the reflection sheet posted on our website under the tab: FIELDWORK 3 ASSIGNMENTS FORMS 2. Carefully read and follow the directions at the top (see next slide)
The arrows point to the most common questions I receive, so read those parts carefully