Alternative Dakota County Historical Society Sites Discussion Steven C Mielke Director – Physical Development Division September 10, 2019 GGP Meeting
GGP Direction July 23, 2019 GGP Meeting: Identify alternative location options to move DCHS Museum (Lawshe) and report back to the Board at the September GGP meeting.
Staff Identified Considerations Located in a historically significant building or a location that already attracts visitors Has adequate bus and vehicle parking Location provides the opportunity for visitors to visit the museum or interacts as a part of other site attractions Museum components: Display Area Storage Area Research/Meeting room(s) Administrative Offices and Miscellaneous Spaces Question: Do all functions need to be at the same site (i.e. storage off-site)?
Western Service Center Addition
Dakota County Fairgrounds
Lebanon Hills Regional Park
Assumed Building Costs (land costs not included) To build a comparably sized stand-alone facility: $9.M to 10.M (19,000 sq. ft. on one level with adequate parking) 2. To build a smaller 10,000 sq. ft. facility : $4.7M to 5.2M; (maybe less if part of larger building expansion. i.e. a WSC expansion project)
County Contributions to Historical Society Operations Anoka Carver Dakota Hennepin Ramsey Scott Washington County Population 357,851 105,970 428,558 1,261,104 552,232 141,111 261,512 County Funding $152,000 $250,000 $132,185 $237,436 $88,000 $140,000 $0 Funding Per Resident $0.43 $2.36 $0.31 $0.18 $0.16 $0.96 $0.00 Organizational Budget $285,000 $500,000 $385,000 $537,957 $1,600,000 $172,000 $160,000 % of Budget 53% 50% 34% 44% 6% 81% 0% Note: Additional in-kind support provided by some counties and cities.
WSC Addition from 2018 County-wide Space Study