Dependent Variable Statistic Table 4. Respondents opinion on effectiveness of DSSs Dependent Variable Statistic Mean Std. Deviation 1 Organisational Control 3.6476 0.82380 2 Quick Problem Solution 3.9286 0.46711 3 Decision Making 3.7202 0.49756 4 Problem Knowledge 3.6071 0.60269 5 Interpersonal Communication 0.54368 6 Decision Scope 3.5762 0.37011 Overall Mean 3.7347 0.55082 Bongani Ngwenya et al. Application of Decision Support Systems and Its Impact on Human Resources Output: A Study of Selected Universities in Zimbabwe. Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 3, 46-54. doi:10.12691/jcsa-1-3-4 © The Author(s) 2013. Published by Science and Education Publishing.