Partnering with APS Archive of Teaching Resources Murray Jensen Human Anatomy & Physiology Society University of Minnesota NSDL Meeting October 19, 2006 Washington, DC
What is HAPS? Over 1,000 members from 2- and 4-year colleges, universities, and private businesses throughout US and Canada Allied health professionals (teaching!) Annual meeting - workshops and up-date sessions Regional conferences HAPS-Educator quarterly publication
What Teaching Materials Does HAPS Have? Position Statements Comprehensive Exam HAPS-Educator
HAPS-Educator Review articles Teaching articles EduSnippets: teaching ideas Workshop summaries
Why Have a Digital Library? Society mission to disseminate members’ research and teaching ideas Greater visibility for Society Greater visibility for members and their papers or ideas
Why Partner with APS? Similar missions for each Society No HAPS server Low-cost alternative to setting up digital library
How Did It Happen? Wrote NSDL grant with BEN and APS Received support for HAPS liaison and student to catalogue HAPS materials Received support for purchasing space on APS server to host materials Worked with APS staff to ensure HAPS identity maintained on APS and BEN sites
Cataloguing HAPS Materials Pdf files made of all back issues of HAPS-Educator Student catalogued relevant articles APS validated cataloguing information Time commitment: 3 months for ~16 years of back issues (2-5 issues/year)
Outcomes of Collaborative Project HAPS instituted ongoing collaboration with APS to participate in APS Archive Procedures for continuing the cataloguing of HAPS-Educator articles were developed and approved by HAPS Board Long-term agreement reached for APS to store HAPS-Educator pdf files on server
Benefits from Partnership with APS Archive Web trends data 15 of top 20 downloaded files in APS Archive are HAPS materials HAPS has a digital library presence HAPS now part of BEN and the Biological Sciences Pathway, as well as NSDL