Kharif Campaign 2019 Group-VI Presentation on procurement of pulses and Oilseeds under Price Support Scheme and State’s contribution in “PM AASHA” 26.04.2019
Umbrella Scheme of PM AASHA Suggestions of State Governments for PSS Enhancement of procurement limit from existing 25% to 50% on GoI cost. Establishment of Permanent Procurement Centers in APMC suggested by NAFED. Inclusion of WDRA accreditated privately owned godowns for storage through CWC/SWC godowns.
Common Conditions PSS/PDPS/PPSS Suggestions of State Governments for PDPS Modification of formula for calculation of Modal Price –wherein PDPS is implementing in other two neighbouring States or Flat Price Difference Payment for simplicity. Inclusion of maize and bajra under PDPS. Apart from Traders, Millers may also be allowed to participate directly in the trade in the notified mandies. Proper mechanism for FAQ check in mandies. Haryana Model of PDPS for vegetables may be considered. To curtail chances of cartelisation, a minimum price based on MSP may be fixed below which FAQ stock cannot be traded.
PM AASHA - PSS Procurement Suggestions of State Governments for PPSS Inclusion of maize under PPSS. FPOs may also be included for empanelment with working capital support for implementation of PPSS. - Revolving Fund may be created by Central/ State Govt. - Priority Landing from Banks/ NCDC/ NABARD