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King Henry VIII of England King Henry “needs” a son to continue bloodline and keep power in family Married to Catherine of Aragon Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella Aunt to Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) Catherine a widow to Henry’s brother Pope grants special condition to allow Henry and Catherine to wed
King Henry VIII Catherine has one living child – Mary Henry concerned Catherine will have no more children – threatens his power Anne Boleyn one of Catherine’s ladies-in-waiting
King Henry VIII Anne Boleyn (and her father) desire more power and influence with King Henry King Henry falls in love with Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn plays hard to get – makes Henry want her even more Henry wants to annul marriage with Catherine to wed Anne Boleyn
King Henry VIII Pope won’t grant annulment Henry breaks away from Catholic Church and starts Church of England with him as the leader Marries Anne Boleyn – has one daughter: Elizabeth (ends up being England’s greatest monarch) No son = beheads Anne Boleyn
King Henry VIII Marries Jane Seymour – has son: Edward Jane Seymour dies from complications of childbirth Marries Anne of Cleves – divorces her Marries Catherine Howard – beheads her Marries Catherine Parr – she outlives him
King Henry VIII Edward too young to rule by himself – had Protestant advisors Mary takes over after Edward – brings back Catholic faith to England Elizabeth = queen after Mary
Catholic Reformation Ignatius of Loyola compares spiritual and physical exercise Daily devotion necessary Pope creates Catholic order after Ignatius called Jesuits 3 goals of Jesuits Create schools Convert Christians to Catholics Stop Protestantism
Council of Trent Council created to investigate abuses Church creates following doctrines: Church’s interpretation of Bible is final – any other interpretation = heretic Faith and good works necessary for salvation Bible & Church tradition are equal for guiding life Indulgences are OK, but false selling of them is banned