B8 Argument
Solid Paragraph Multiple different studies show that kids in elementary school and Jr. high actually gain next to nothing by doing their homework. Because the subjects that these kids are learning are so simple, most students catch on and understand it very quickly. The students become so good at it so quickly that they can’t really get much better. By doing homework, the first one or two questions might remind them how to do it, but after that it is just doing the same thing over and over again, without any improvement. It isn’t until the 10th grade that students really get something out of homework.
Thoughtful Rebuttal Some people say that homework is good for you. Homework can actually be good for students, but only when they have the right amount of homework. If students don’t have too much homework, the homework will teach them how to work hard. It will also let them understand the subject better. But if there is too much homework, the opposite will happen. Grades and test scores will lower, and students’ understanding of a subject will drop.
Great title Laker or Looker
Intriguing topic & intro When asked to name and describe an athlete, you probably first think of a male NBA, MLB, or NFL player. The name you might think of is Lebron James, Derek Jeter, or Peyton Manning. These athletes are on covers of magazines and commercials everywhere. They are constantly on sport channels and social media revolves around them. Most people don’t think to name a female athlete first. Female athletes are not as visible in the media and are only well known if they have been around the sport for a long time or are perceived as beautiful. It doesn’t matter how good a female athlete is just if people think she is pretty.
Interesting paragraph Research shows that when people get calls or a text, we feel the need to answer or reply. It is very persuasive. We are all attached to our phones all the time. So when we don’t text or call back, we can get frustrated. It’s the same when we call or text others and they don’t respond right away. But just one phone call could end yours or someone else’s life. And we need to make the decision to simply wait, or pull over to answer. Even I can see a difference in my parents’ driving, when they are messing around with their phones, and when they aren’t. There are also times when we get cut off or see cars swerving and then notice that they are texting or on the phone.
Well Organized, Great Facts Claim: Social networks have a negative affect on our relationships with other people. Paragraph 1: 39% of Americans spend more time talking to people online rather than in person. Paragarph 2: 20% of Americans would rather talk to someone online than face-to-face. Paragraph 3: Another defect of social networks is that kids that are exposed to technology earlier tend to be more anti-social when they grow older.
Fact, Warrant, Backing It is proven that student-athletes average .55 to .74 points higher GPA’s than non-athletes. Student-athletes would have to get better grades than non-athletes so they can compete in their games/competitions that they might have coming up….My friends and I on the team got higher GPA’s during the two terms we were on the team, compared to now that we aren’t on the team anymore and don’t have to worry about keeping our grades up for our games.
Fact, Warrant, Backing A national study found parents who pay for their kid’s college have students whose grades are lower than students that work hard for their own education. Because parents give their students money they expect money as a reward instead of knowledge. Rewarding your kids for something they should be doing anyway is wrong. Students should find that their hard work gives them a greater education and should do it all the time.
Credibility According to a Harvard study, nations with more strict anti-gun laws have a higher violent crime rate than those that have less strict gun control.
Well organized and supported Title: Ban or no Ban Claim: Soda and junk food should be banned from schools Paragraph 1: 20% of the population is obese Paragraph 2: 300,000 people die each year due to problems with being overweight. Paragarph 3: Kids who went to schools with junk food were 37% heavier from 5th-8th grades
Solid Facts Gun control doesn’t make crime go down. Nine out of the top ten most dangerous cities in America are in states with very tough gun laws.
Using research to support Studies at the University of Virginia have left surprising studies….If the homework that you receive is not clear it could end up hurting or damaging your brain. Your brain starts to hurt or damage itself because it’s only getting confused, irrigatd and it’s struggling to come up with the answer. Tai for Curry School of Education at UVA and two co-authors looked at transcripts and data for more than 18,000 tenth grade students and there findings show more homework assignments doesn’t mean higher grades.
Evidence Also, four decades ago, in 1971, Richard Nixon declared war on drugs and $1 trillion has been spent since then.
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