Burrhus Frederic Skinner Behaviourism Burrhus Frederic Skinner
I do not deny the existence of internal mental events, however, I don’t feel these can be studied scientifically. Moreover, there really is no need to study them.
Definition Behaviourism is a theory of animal and human learning that only focuses on objectively observable behaviours and discounts mental activities. Behaviour theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of a new behaviour. Behaviourists identify CONDITIONING as a universal learning process.
The ‘Black Box’ Stimulus Response
Classical conditioning stimulus → response smell food → salivate ring bell + ring bell → salivate Pavlov (1849 – 1936)
Operant conditioning stimulus → response → reward the reward makes the response more probable in the future right responses lead to rewards so the potential reward leads to the right response This is Skinner’s Law of Positive Reinforcement.
Negative reinforcement In the same way as positive reinforcement (PR), this can be used to increase the likelihood of the required response. Negative reinforcement (NR) rather than leading to a reward for the desired behaviour, leads to relief at not receiving a negative experience.
Punishment Punishment is often confused with negative reinforcement. However, it is designed to weaken or eliminate unwanted behaviour whereas both positive and negative reinforcement are designed to strengthen or increase the likelihood of desired behaviour. Presentation punishment (PP) presents an unpleasant consequence as a result of the learner’s behaviour.. Removal punishment (RP) leads to the removal of some privilege.
Try this… PR RP PP NR The teacher praises a correct response. The corporal is reduced to the ranks for drinking on duty. The motorist receives a £60 fine for parking illegally. The driver puts on their seat belt to stop the annoying buzzer. The teenager is banned from watching TV for being rude. The salesperson gets a bonus for achieving their target. The boxer receives a public warning for hitting below the belt. The teenager tidies their room to avoid being nagged. The footballer receives congratulations for scoring the goal. The student hands in work on time to avoid a telling off. PR RP PP NR
Implications for teaching and learning repetition/practice mastery learning chunking teaching with acoustical guidance e-learning and e-assessment rewards