Management for Development Results MfDR
Context: MfDR: MfDR Evolution public sector and int. co-operation Concepts International consensus on aid effectiveness MfDR: Concepts Principles Instruments 2
Tendancies Public Sector: Context Tendancies Public Sector: Increased need for effectiveness-responsibility for results Concepts Increased pressure to account for the use of public funds Tendancies Development Co-operation Increased effectiveness development co-operation 3
International Consensus : Millenium Development Goals, 2000 Monterrey Consensus on financing, 2002 Rome declaration on harmonisation, 2003 Paris declaration on aid effectiveness, 2005 4
MfDR Effectiveness Concepts Instruments Management 5
Concepts MfDR: Concepts Effectiveness Concepts Instruments Instruments Management
Concepts Concepts concepts
concepts Concepts Ownership and leadership Alignment and capacity development concepts Harmonisation Managing for results Mutual accountability and learning 8
Concepts concepts Concepts and MfDR Effectiveness Concepts concepts Instruments Instruments Management 9
MfDR: 5 Principles Effectiveness Concepts Instruments Management
MfDR: 5 Principles
Focus the dialogue on results in all phases of the development proces. Principle 1 Focus the dialogue on results in all phases of the development proces.
Align programming, monitoring and evaluation with results. Principle 2 Align programming, monitoring and evaluation with results. 08 07 06 05
Keep measurement and reporting simple. Principle 3 Keep measurement and reporting simple.
Principle 4 Manage for results.
Use result information for learning and decision making. Principle 5 Use result information for learning and decision making.
MfDR Effectiveness Concepts Instruments Management
Instruments MfDR: Instruments Effectiveness Concepts Instruments Management 18
Instruments Instruments Result framework, logic models Result based budgeting M&E focus on results ……………….. 19
From concepts to better management Instruments Effectiveness concepts Instruments Management 20
Management for Development Results MfDR