Multi-Layer Scenarios Andrea Mazzini, Nokia Karthik Sethuraman, NEC November 20, 2018
Contents Legenda of graphical representations Ethernet over ODU over ODU DSR mapping in ODU or DSR mapping in ODU over ODU
Graphical representation of Connection End Points CEP connects-to-peer CEP via Encapsulated XC (same layer) – terminate-and-map (a) or fixed-mapping (b) cases Graphical simplifications F F = CTP and TTP (a) F = TTP = CTP (b) = F F F CTP and CTP
Ethernet over ODU over ODU
Ethernet over ODU over ODU, Path Computation View 1/2 CE1 CE2 Customer TAPI Context Ethernet 10G Connectivity Service A Ethernet 10G Ethernet 10G B X Ethernet SIP Ethernet SIP Y ETH 10G ODU ODU 10G ETH 100G 100G 100G 100G Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A ODU (100G) ODU ODU (100G) PE1 ODU ODU PE2
Ethernet 10G Connectivity Service Ethernet over ODU over ODU, Path Computation View 2/2 – all Nodes shown ETH ETH CE1 CE2 Customer TAPI Context Ethernet 10G Connectivity Service A Ethernet 10G Ethernet 10G B X Ethernet SIP Ethernet SIP Y ETH 10G ODU ODU 10G ETH 100G 100G 100G Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A 100G ODU (100G) ODU ODU (100G) PE1 ODU ODU PE2 The Node “associated” with Device may be redundant, in case it has not switching capability
Ethernet over ODU over ODU, Path Computation View – asymmetric case CE1 Customer TAPI Context Ethernet 10G Connectivity Service Ethernet 10G A ODU4 ODU2/3 Multi-Layer CSEP B Ethernet SIP In this “asymmetric” case, it is necessary to model/represent the time-slot/labeling information. X ODU SIP Y ETH 10G ODU 100G 100G Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A ODU (100G) ODU PE1 ODU ODU
Ethernet over ODU over ODU Option B - Single-layer Provisioning
ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created Scenario 1 Pool = yes Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= 1G, 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created H ETH ETH ODU (1,0) ODU X ETH ETH ETHoODU ODU Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 ETH ETH K ODU ETH Y ODU0/1 supplied e.g. by server optical port not managed here. Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 ODUoODU ETHoODU Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Multi-Layer Node Pool = yes Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= 10G, 10Ge, 40G Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU (2,3) ODU Z ODU Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2
Scenario 1.1 No Transitional Links Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created H ODU ETH ETH K X ODU ETH ETH Y Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Multi-Layer Node End to end Node ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP Z ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU4 Max # CTP instances=1 Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 ODU
Scenario 1.1 No Transitional Links ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 H NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP100,NEP30 Supported Transitions= (ODU0,ETH),(ODU1,ETH) ODU ETH ETH K X NEP30 ODU ETH ETH Y NEP20 NEP40 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 NodeRuleGroup RuleType: FORWARDING NEP100,NEP20 NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP10,NEP40 Supported Transitions= (ODU2/e, ETH),(ODU3,ETH) Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 End to end Node Multi-Layer Node NEP10 ODU Z ODU4 CTP+TTP NEP100 ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU4 Max # CTP instances=1 ODU Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP10,NEP100 Supported Transitions= (ODU2,ODU0),(ODU2,ODU1)
ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created Scenario 1.1a ODU2 CS Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created H ETH ETH To Be Updated ODU X K ODU ETH ETH Y Multi-Layer Node Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 ETH ODU2 ODU Layer= ETH Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=10G Max # CTP instances=1 One NEP can have only one layer rate (DSR or ETH or ODU) hence in case e.g. a ODU TTP can support e.g. both ETH and ODU, then two distinct NEPs seem necessary. Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU2 TTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 End to end Node ODU2 CTP ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU2 ODU ODU A the routing constraints may specify the ODU2 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent Z ODU ODU2 Connectivity Service
ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created Scenario 1.1b ETH 10G CS the routing constraints may specify the ETH CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent ETH 10G Connectivity Service ETH 10G ETH H B X ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created ODU To Be Updated K ETH ETH 10G Y ETH ETH CTP ETH CTP ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 Multi-Layer Node ODU2 ETH Layer=ETH Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=10G Max # CTP instances=1 ODU End to end Node Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU2 TTP ODU2 CTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU ODU2 ODU A Z ODU2 Connectivity Service
ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created Scenario 1.1b1 2xETH 5G CS ETH 5G Connectivity Service the routing constraints may specify the ETH CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent ETH 5G Connectivity Service ETH 5G ETH H C X ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created ODU ETH 5G K To Be Updated B ETH 5G ODU ETH CTP ETH CTP ETH 5G Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 ETH Y ETH ETH CTP Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 ODU2 ETH Layer=ETH Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=10G Max # CTP instances=1 ODU End to end Node Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Multi-Layer Node ODU2 TTP ODU2 CTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU ODU2 A Z ODU ODU2 Connectivity Service
To Be Updated Scenario 1.1c ODU1 CS Multi-Layer Node End to end Node X ETH ODU1 Connectivity Service X ODU H the routing constraints may specify the ODU1 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent ETH Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 To Be Updated Multi-Layer Node ODU Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates=2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 ODU K ETH ETH Y ODU1 ETH ODU1 CTP Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 ODU1 TTP Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1 ODU2 Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU ODU ETH End to end Node ODU2 TTP ODU2 CTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU ODU2 A Z ODU ODU2 Connectivity Service
To Be Updated Scenario 1.1d ETH 2.G CS End to end Node ETH 2.5G Connectivity Service ODU1 C the routing constraints may specify the ETH CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent X ODU ETH H To Be Updated ODU1 Connectivity Service ETH the routing constraints may specify the ODU1 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 ETH CTP ETH 2.5G ODU ODU K ETH CTP ETH ODU1 DSR Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates=2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 Y DSR Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 ODU1 TTP ODU1 CTP Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ETH ODU2 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1 ODU ODU End to end Node ODU2 CTP Multi-Layer Node ODU2 TTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU ODU2 A ODU Z ODU2 Connectivity Service
Scenario 1.1e ODU1 CS (not terminated) the routing constraints may specify the ODU1 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent ODU1 Connectivity Service H C ODU1 To Be Updated ETH ETH X Multi-Layer Node K ODU1 ODU ODU1 CTP ODU1 CTP ETH ETH Y ODU2 ODU Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Layer=ETH Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=10G Max # CTP instances=1 End to end Node ETH Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 ODU Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU2 TTP ODU2 CTP Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU ODU2 A Z ODU ODU2 Connectivity Service
DSR maps ODU or DSR maps ODU over ODU
DSR maps ODU or DSR maps ODU over ODU, Path Computation View 1/2 CE1 CE2 Customer TAPI Context L1 10GigE Connectivity Service A 10GigE 10GigE B Y DSR SIP DSR SIP DSR SIP X X ODU ODU 100G Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A 100G ODU (100G) ODU ODU (100G) PE1 ODU ODU PE2
L1 10GigE Connectivity Service DSR maps ODU or DSR maps ODU over ODU, Path Computation View 2/2 – all Nodes shown DSR DSR CE1 CE2 Customer TAPI Context L1 10GigE Connectivity Service A 10GigE 10GigE B Y DSR SIP DSR SIP DSR SIP X X ODU ODU 100G Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A 100G ODU (100G) ODU ODU (100G) PE1 ODU ODU PE2
L1 10GigE Connectivity Service DSR maps ODU or DSR maps ODU over ODU, Path Computation View – asymmetric case DSR CE1 Customer TAPI Context L1 10GigE Connectivity Service 10GigE A ODU4 ODU2/3 Multi-Layer CSEP B In this “asymmetric” case, it is necessary to model/represent the time-slot/labeling information. DSR SIP DSR SIP ODU SIP X X Y ODU 100G Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A ODU (100G) ODU PE1 ODU ODU
DSR maps ODU or DSR maps ODU over ODU Option B - Single-layer Provisioning
Scenario 2: flexibility at ODU2 and/or ODU1, DSR NEP maps ODU2 or ODU1 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created H DSR DSR Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 ODU (0,1) / DSR X ODU Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 End to end Node ODUoODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODu2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU (2,3) / DSR Y DSR DSR ODU ODU Z ODU4 CTP+TTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU4 Max # CTP instances=1
Scenario 2.1: No Transitional Link Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 Scenario 2.1: No Transitional Link Note that NEP30 and NEP40 can be combined into a single one with capacity ranging from 1G to 40G ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created H DSR DSR X Multi-Layer Node NEP30 DSR DSR Y NEP40 NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP10,NEP40 Supported Transitions= (10GigE,ODU2),(FC-1200,ODU2e),(40GigE,ODU3) Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 End to end Node NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP100,NEP30 Supported Transitions= (1GigE,ODU0),(FC100,ODU0),(FC200,ODU1),(HDSDI,ODU1) Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP10,NEP100 Supported Transitions= (ODU2,ODU0), (ODU2,ODU1) ODU NEP10 Z NEP100 ODU ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU4 Max # CTP instances=1 Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800
Scenario 3: flexibility at ODU4 and ODU2 and/or ODU1, DSR NEP maps ODU2 or ODU1 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created H DSR DSR Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 ODU (0,1) / DSR X End to end Node ODU Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 ODUoODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU4 Max # CTP instances=20 ODUoODU ODU Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU ODU ODU (2,3) / DSR Y DSR DSR ODU (4) Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 M ODU (2,3) SIP will appear once ODU4 Conn is created ODU Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU4 Max # CTP instances=1 Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU Z
Scenario 3.1: No Transitional Link Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 Scenario 3.1: No Transitional Link Note that NEP30 and NEP40 can be combined into a single one with capacity ranging from 1G to 40G H ODU (0,1) SIP will appear once ODU2 Conn is created DSR DSR X NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP300,NEP40 Supported Transitions= (10GigE,ODU2),(FC-1200,ODU2e),(40GigE,ODU3) NEP30 DSR DSR Y NEP40 NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP300,NEP100 Supported Transitions= (ODU2,ODU0),(ODU2,ODU1) Multi-Layer Node Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 End to end Node NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP100,NEP30 Supported Transitions= (1GigE,ODU0),(FC100,ODU0),(FC200,ODU1),(HDSDI,ODU1) NodeRuleGroup RuleType: LAYER_TRANSITION NEP10,NEP300 Supported Transitions= (ODU4,ODU2),(ODU4,ODU2e),(ODU4,ODU3) Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP NEP10 NEP100 ODU ODU ODU NEP300 ODU Z M ODU (2,3) SIP will appear once ODU4 Conn is created Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU4 Max # CTP instances=1 Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates= ODU0, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1600, 800 Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40
All these objects are created once DSR SIP is configured to 10GigE Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Server Containers: = ODU0, ODU0, ODU1, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 Scenario 2.1a DSR DSR To Be Updated X DSR DSR Y 10GigE CTP+CTP All these objects are created once DSR SIP is configured to 10GigE Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Server Containers: = ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 Available CTP Rates=none Available CTP instances=0 DSR ODU2 TTP Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODu2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Layer= DSR Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC1200 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 End to end Node ODU Multi-Layer Node ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP Z Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU
10GigE Connectivity Service Scenario 2.1b the routing constraints may specify the ODU2 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent 10GigE Connectivity Service ODU DSR DSR 10GigE X To Be Updated A DSR DSR Y ODU2 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Server Containers: = ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 Available CTP Rates=none Available CTP instances=0 DSR 10GigE CTP+CTP ODU2 TTP ODU2 CTP End to end Node Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Layer= DSR Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC1200 Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU Multi-Layer Node ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP Z ODU
All these objects are created once DSR SIP is configured to FC200 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Server Containers: = ODU0, ODU0, ODU1, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 Scenario 2.1c DSR DSR To Be Updated X Multi-Layer Node DSR DSR Y DSR All these objects are created once DSR SIP is configured to FC200 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Server Containers: = ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=1, 1, 1 Available CTP Rates=10GigE, FC-1200, 40GigE Available CTP instances=1, 1, 1 FC200 CTP+CTP ODU1 TTP End to end Node Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP Layer= DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU Z ODU ODU
ODU2 Connectivity Service Scenario 2.1d Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Server Containers: = ODU0, ODU0, ODU1, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 DSR DSR X To Be Updated Multi-Layer Node DSR Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=4, 8 DSR Y DSR FC200 CTP+CTP ODU1 TTP ODU2 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU ODU2 CTP End to end Node ODU2 TTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU ODU the routing constraints may specify the ODU2 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent ODU2 A Z ODU ODU2 Connectivity Service
To Be Updated Scenario 2.1e Multi-Layer Node End to end Node X Y Z DSR FC200 L1 FC200 Connectivity Service X B the routing constraints may specify the ODU1 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent DSR Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1GigE, FC-100, FC200, HDSDI Server Containers: = ODU0, ODU0, ODU1, ODU1 Max # CTP instances=1,1,1,1 To Be Updated Multi-Layer Node ODU1 DSR DSR Y DSR Layer=ODU Total Capacity=10G Supported CTP Rates=ODU1, ODU0 Max # CTP instances=10, 20 FC200 CTP+CTP ODU1 CTP ODU1 TTP ODU2 Layer=DSR Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= FC200, HDSDI Max # CTP instances=1, 1 Node NodeEdgePoint Device ConnectivityServiceEndPoint X ServiceInterfacePoint ConnectivityService Connection Link Transitional Link ConnectionEndPoint A CTP and CTP CTP and TTP TTP CTP ODU ODU2 CTP End to end Node ODU2 TTP Pool = yes Layer=ODU Total Capacity=2000G Supported CTP Rates=ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=200, 200, 40 ODU ODU ODU4 CTP+TTP ODU ODU the routing constraints may specify the ODU2 CTP, otherwise the selection is delegated to Agent A Z ODU2 Connectivity Service
Scenario 1 ODU ETH ETH Multi-Layer Node Multi-Layer Node ODU ODU M M X Layer=ETH Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Total Capacity=2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 M ODU ODU ETH ODUoODU ETHoODU X M Multi-Layer Node Layer=ETH Total Capacity=2.5G Supported CTP Rates= 1G to 2.5G Max # CTP instances=1 Layer=ODU Total Capacity=100G Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2 Y Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G ODU ETH ETH ODU ETH ETH ETHoODU X ODU ETH ETH ETH Y Layer=ETH Total Capacity=40G Supported CTP Rates= 10G to 40G Max # CTP instances=1 ODUoODU ETHoODU Multi-Layer Node ODU ODU ODU Layer=ODU Supported CTP Rates= ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3 Total Capacity=100G Max # CTP instances=10, 10, 2