16.2 How Can We Cut Energy Waste? By: Bary Goukis and Alex Belovich
Why Are We Wasting So Much Energy& Money? Cutting energy waste will not solve all of our energy problems, but it is a good first step. Cheap fossil fuels. limited incentives for consumers. People resist change.
We Can Use Renewable Energy to Provide Heat & Electricity One of the principles of sustainability include using solar energy. Comes directly from the sun, or from wind and water. Also geothermal.
Good News! Tax breaks, subsidies, funding. By 2025, 20% Renewable resources. 50% by 2050
The Search for Better Batteries Thomas Edison - 1890 First Rechargeable Battery Nickel Lead-based in cars. Difficult to make affordable and durable. Lithium Ion Batteries Pros Light, Lot of energy in small space. Cons Tend to overheat. 2x expensive as current hybrid car batteries.
Current Research Better Li-ion batteries. Nanotechnology Virus Nanophosphate Lengthen battery Life Won't heat up Virus Coats itself with conducting materials Forms a miniscule nanowire. Goal: Attach the wires to make a battery-like cell. Ultracapacitor Battery-like Stores and releases energy very quickly Would make batteries obsolete
United States Increase electric energy Don't depend on Middle East for oil or Asia for batteries. Radical change in Infrastructure Use Eco-Labeled Products (Energy Star, etc.)
European Union Universal Rating System on appliances