Matthew DeFilippis EPS 109 Fall ‘18 Wave on a String Matthew DeFilippis EPS 109 Fall ‘18
Making a Wave Fixed (Dirichlet): Goal: Simulate a propagating wave on a string with varying boundary conditions and initial displacements How did I do this? Discretized the 1-Dimensional Wave Equation Used Jacobi Method to update values in string Implemented Fixed, Reflecting, and Absorbing Boundary Conditions Created initial string displacements in order to start a wave Reflecting (Neumann): Ui+1 = Ui-1 Fixed (Dirichlet): U(xmin,t)=0 , U(xmax,t)=0 Absorbing (Mur): ∂u / ∂x = - ( 1 / c) (∂u / ∂t) [1] [1]