Title – size: A0 portrait (84 x 119,5 cm) Faculty Department www.uu.nl/ Title – size: A0 portrait (84 x 119,5 cm) Name main author, Name other authors Adress authors Introduction Ut quam rem volupta eprovid quid quibus, quiatur aditatum est id quatus, tem ut etur restrum faccum sed et lautemqui sitatem. Em quas aut labore evellecae. Nam quia qui volut eium ne consendis porpore pro ente voluptatium ut iligendanda dolupta tquiat ommossi tatusdae con reste anderch iliquate odit, officaepe dusam, ium dero beatem eumqui acerupta qui nones aut veriam nonsere, occum que nimolup tatempor andaest es eaquidit laborere eum re, cor sanihic idebit landam voluptaqui opti reperatque qui ipsae sitam sedigenti blati acerspe rnatus, estinte dolendae et, volupta que earum esti omnia quaspicias di ad et rempore. Results Officaepe dusam, ium dero beatem eumqui acerupta qui nones aut veriam nonsere, occum que nimolup tatempor andaest es eaquidit laborere eum re, cor sanihic idebit landam voluptaqui opti reperatque qui ipsae sitam sedigenti blati acerspe rnatus, estinte dolendae et, volupta que earum esti omnia quaspicias di ad et rempore (figure 1) would result in a method of modulating the phase behavior and gel properties in a reproducible, scalable and practical manner. Figure 1 Od qui aute as moditaquiae qui adit periatent liquossequi con re doluptium aut et quos repere pera pa volorit omnihit, ut etus, ium imoluptate ilictamus rempe denisti onsequo esti optatia alit ped mo volupta simus plaut expel mi, tem simolor estemostia volupta quo quat que quas andelia tinihicatus molore prorem quossequas voluptaes dolorat. Conclusion Ipis rem in pla veliquae coruptatur, corae explit licipsande dit fugit omnihil liquidem in rate remodi ilia volum vellam haris moluptas es re volupti onsequae saecabo repressequi dit utaquo dolecti cust, volessunt que preceatem dolupta epudipictur aut labor aped magnis volo toressuntur, sum et velles ipsaperro et laut re, qui ut lignia vellupt atemolore. Table heading Text Table 1 Characterization of different samples at low concentrations in buffer. Design Printing For the printing of a poster upload your file via the Xerox printportal https://nlprint.external.xerox.com/login/ More information: Phone: 030 210 22 87 Email: uithof@xerox.com Fonts Poster title (red): Verdana bold, 60 pt Main author: Verdana bold, 32 pt Other authors: Verdana standard, 32 pt Adress: Verdana bold, 18 pt Heading (red): Verdana bold 28 pt Column text: Verdana standard, 23 pt Figure heading (red): Verdana bold 33 pt Figure caption: Verdana bold 18 pt References heading (red): Verdana bold, 17 pt References: Verdana 16 pt How to copy the format of a text Select the text with the format you want to use. Click Format Painter on the standard toolbar: Click and drag over the text you want to format. Size The size of this scientific poster is A0-portrait (84 x 118,9 cm). Columns The poster layout may consist of two or three columns. Ratio between text and image Do not use too much text (maximum ± 650 words). Try to tell the scientific results in clear images (graphics, illustrations, photo’s). Color You can find the used colors in the menubar > Shape Fill > Theme colors, or in Recent colors. Area for extra logo’s References Name author