Mrs Reeves, Mrs Keech and Mrs Franklin will be the other adults Meet the Teacher! Mr Johnson Mrs Reeves, Mrs Keech and Mrs Franklin will be the other adults working in Oak Class
Lunches, Snacks and Water Lunches are now going to be at 12.15. The children can choose who they sit next to. Fruit will be provided for the children during break times. Water bottles should be named
PE and Forest School Forest School will be led by Mrs Keech and take place on alternative Tuesdays. PE will take place on alternative Wednesdays and Kits should be named and available throughout the year, regardless of weather.
Homework Homework will not be set in the tradional format. Instead, this will be replaced with activities similar to that in Birch Class. Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend using Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Children will all receive their passwords this week.
Reading, Writing and Spelling Your child will learn HOW to read and spell during RWI sessions which all of Oak Class will be having. Year 2 will have Destination reader. Year 1 will continue to write with pencil whilst Year 2 will be using pen (biro). No more free readers!
Assessments throughout the year Year 1 – Phonics Check Year 2 – SATs Both of the these are carried out at the end of the year. The experience should be stress free for your child. More detailed meetings are planned where we will have an opportunity to discuss these assessments further.
A play-based curriculum; Why? ‘High-level engagement is what gives you the potential for high-level attainment’ ‘ We have to make sure that we are giving all our children a developmentally appropriate approach to learning.’ ‘ When children reach Year One they are only six weeks older than they were when they left reception so why the dramatic change in recommendations, curriculum, environment and routine?’ Alistair Bryce-Clegg ‘Effective Transition into Year One ‘Children are ‘hard-wired’ to learn and they learn best by being active and autonomous – exploring, discovering, creating and taking risks; in other words, by playing’ ‘play is whatever a child does in order to satisfy their desire to learn’ Anna Elphgrave ‘Year One in Action’
What the learning will be like? Learning challenges will still be based around central theme. This will be linked to the Power of Reading text. Focus groups will be led by adults throughout the week in Maths and English. Children will have a ‘Learning Challenges’ sheet to complete each week that they must have done by the end of the week. This will replace Over to You. Teacher inputs will take place at the start of the week to ensure children still have sufficient knowledge and opportunities to see modelled pieces of work. RWI and Destination Reader to happen as normal.
Rewards and Sanctions Rewards and sanctions will follow the school’s behaviour policy of using Good to be Green.
General Reminders Uniform Punctuality and Attendance Photography permission for Twitter Appointments Names in clothes (THIS IS A MUST) Ingredients or wood for the classroom
Any questions?