English 10 - 9/9/2019 What does it take to have a good conversation with someone you don’t know well? How do you learn from people that are not teachers? Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things. Shoyhoy – a boy hired to scare birds. Goals – Motto. AIW. Mental Courage. Group Discussion. Breaking down meaning to see the larger picture. Homework – Write you own motto then turn it into a poem. Study vocab. #2 for five minutes.
English 10 – 9/10/2019 What do you like about music? Why do you like it? How does it make you feel or think? Health is simply the slowest possible rate that one can die. Campanologist – one skilled at bell ringing. Goals – Introduce Lyric Analysis project. Show some of the previous projects. Homework – Search for songs you like - lyrics - that would be appropriate for class. Print and bring into class tomorrow for points. Study vocab. 2 for five minutes.
English 10 – 9/11/2019 What are the bricks? What is the wall? Respond to “Another Brick In the Wall.” If at first you don’t succeed, sky diving is definitely not for you. Moirologist – Mourner for hire. Goals – Discuss what makes a good song for this assignment. Discuss symbolic meaning, imagery and figurative language. Watch some examples of Lyric PowerPoints. Homework – Bring printed word document of your lyric to me for approval for tomorrow. Study five minutes vocab. #2.
English 10 – 9/12/2019 What emotions is Tom Waits sharing in “Emotional Weather report”? What evidence do you have to support your views? It’s not the pace of life that concerns me, it’s the sudden stop at the end. Camoufleur – Person skilled in the use or application of camouflage. Goals – Discuss the assignment sheet and rubric. Write questions to clarify your understanding. Song approval. Break the song into small chunks of meaning – a line or two at most - and write down words for imagery next to the lines on your lyric printout. Homework – Continue analysis, finish by Monday. Study vocab. 2 five minutes each day.
English 10 – 9/13/2019 Five minutes to prepare for Vocab. # 2. The early bird gets the worm, but it’s the second mouse that gets the cheese. Videot – a person that will watch anything on TV. Goals – Complete Vocabulary #2 and correct. Introduce new words for vocab. #3. Poetry reading - Ozymandias. Homework – Annotate your lyrics with your personal understanding of individual lines. Study vocab. 3 for five minutes each day.
English 10 – Why do you like the music that you do? How much is about the words and how much about the sound of the music? Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician. Astrologaster – a lying or deceitful astrologer. Goals – Put the final touches on your Lyric Powerpoints. Homework – none.