Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Miller Ms. Ady
A little about me & Ms. Ady..
Email Address cmiller@aloysius.org abergeron@aloysius.org Please leave me a note if you have NOT received an email from me.
Dismissal Please let me know in writing if there is a dismissal change! Dated note I post to the door for an end of the day reminder Please send any transportation changes by 1 at the latest. I’ll ALWAYS respond if I get it. If no response, call the office!! Always a good idea to cc Ms. Ady.
Car Tags ANYONE picking up a student MUST have an official SAS car tag. If no tag--- Parents will have to check in with the office and get a temporary tag for a 1 day use. Must be on the check out list Additional car tags can be bought for $1.
Carpool 3 carpool lines: Line A, B, C Practice LAST name with your child Practice color A-D Red E-H Orange I-L Yellow M-P Green Q-T Blue U-Z Purple
Dress Code Kindergarten students are required to wear the regular school uniform and adhere to the school dress code stated in the handbook. Please refer to the handbook dress code. New this year: headbands must lay flat Boys hair: Hair must be off the collar, above the ear, and above the eyebrows.
Snack Due to the number of allergies, snack and birthday treats from home are not allowed Afternoon snack is provided by our cafeteria Snack fee was included in tuition
Illness– yellow paper in folder Students with fever of 100 degrees or above may not attend school until they are fever free for 24 hours without Motrin or Tylenol. Students with vomiting/diarrhea may not attend school until they have not vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours. Students being treated with antibiotics for a contagious illness must have 24 hours of antibiotics before attending school.
Change of clothes Please send a change of clothes to keep in book sacks for accidents or spills! Parents will be called if student does not have a change of clothes in his/her book sack. Please check sizes of clothes throughout the school year.
Attendance If you child will be tardy/absent from school you must call or email the school before 8:30. Please let me know as well. 225-383-3871 or frontdesk@aloysius.org Students arriving after 7:45 will be marked tardy and require a parent to check them in
Attendance cont. Students arriving after 8:45 are considered absent for ½ day. Students arriving after 10:45 are considered absent for a full day 7 tardies will be counted as one day absent and used in determining the total number of absences for the year.
Assembly We will stay for assembly on Mondays and Wednesdays Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we will leave at 7:40 Mass days we will leave the gym a bit early.
Mass Kindergarten attends All School Mass On the school calendar and I’ll include in the newsletter Parents are welcome to join us!
Child Protection MUST be Child protection certified to attend any field trip. Start this process early- don’t wait until last minute!
Handbook Please read and review the handbook Return paper acknowledging that you have read and agree to follow the rules. Online *Highlighted changes
Classroom Specific Information
Red Take Home Folder Please check this everyday! I will put behavior mark and any other notes Initial by each day ALL notes should be sent to school in the folder. Work/activities will also be sent home in folders Please send with your child on Monday/Tuesday!
Website Please check the website often. I’ll post pictures, announcements and newsletters here. Can be found on the SAS website.
Book Sacks Be sure it is big enough to fit red folder and rest time blanket/towel Practice packing/unpacking book sack independently. Please no stuffed animals/toys/games in book sacks.
Lunch Our lunch time is 10:15-10:40 Must sign into the office if joining us for lunch Practice opening lunch box items independently.
Enrichment Monday- Music Tuesday- PE Wednesday- PE Thursday- Spanish Friday- Art Library– will be checking out books this year
Behavior Chart
Centers We will do many small group activities, centers and partner work! We do both structured “work center” as well as choice “free” centers daily.
Rest May bring a small blanket or towel (helpful to begin practicing how to fold blanket/towel to go back home) Will keep in book sack NO stuffed animals/toys please
Academics Handwriting Without Tears Journal writing Math- partner work/activities Fast Track Phonics Core Knowledge Writers Workshop
Zipper Bags $4– please send ASAP! Please leave in seat sack if you brought today!
Stagger Days (Monday/Tuesday) ALL dismissed at 12 through carpool! Please leave a note of encouragement for your child on Monday/Tuesday!
Before you leave… Leave pink and blue papers at seat!! Leave zipper bag Leave family picture Leave note of encouragement TAKE red folder, car tags, and papers to sign and return Return Mon/Tues. folder and signed papers
Please head to the Parish Hall!