REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN Presentation on: Government initiatives to address drought shocks and potential for livestock insurance
1. Introduction Livestock contribution to GDP 15%. Estimated asset value 2.2 USD billion Highest per capita holding in Africa. Livestock production system: Extensive, and transhumant Cattle: 11.7 million heads Sheep: 12.1 million heads Goats: 12.4 million heads Chicken: 5 million units Pigs: 22,000 Camel: 700 and donkeys: Not known
Livelihood zones (
January 2019 IPC: food insecurity
Main drivers of food insecurity in South Sudan Conflict: national/ inter communal/ intra communal including intensification of cattle raids Economic crisis: Disrupted trade routes: livestock : grain Food price hikes High inflation rate Climatic shocks: drought, dry spells and floods; Other shocks: pests and diseases Increasing poverty (82% officially poor) & rising vulnerability: Loss of capital assets / limited coping mechanism
Government initiatives to address drought shocks 1. Comprehensive Agriculture Master Plan (CAMP) CAMP Investment Plan (Food Security, resilience, poverty alleviation, recovery etc) short-term, medium-term and long-term Irrigation Development Master Plan (IDMP) Development of Livestock Water Resources Development of irrigation for crops and forage Due to insecurity most investments are humanitarian and emergency response
Government initiatives to address drought shocks IDDRSI framework/Strategy being adopted through a comprehensive Country Programming Paper (CPP) to achieve drought resilience. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management ( DRR Strategy)
Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction Agro-pastoralist identifying hazard and developing DRR action plans to respond to disasters mainly drought. Most livelihood and resilience projects integrate CMDRR in Agro-pastoral Field School.
Potential for livestock insurance National Livestock Development Policy (draft) Livestock insurance is a key policy area. Objective: To increase pastoralists’ resilience to all shocks. Policy statement: The government shall Support livestock insurance schemes that protect pastoralists, market-oriented livestock producers and beekeepers from unforeseen risks and disasters Establish livestock disease monitoring and surveillance and early warning systems at county level to fast-track data col. reporting. Establish an appropriate legal and regulatory framework.