September 2019 Global Webinar Make or Break Moment on the Global Fund Join at Or by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 510-407-386 Closed captioning:
Executive Director
Major Donor Pledges Pledge as announced Pledge in USD Pledge as announced Pledge in USD Percentage increase United Kingdom 1,440,000,000.0 $1,826,769,600 16.00% Germany 1,000,000,000.0 $1,158,930,000 17.60% Italy 161,000,000.00 $186,587,730 15.00% European Commission 550,000,000.00 $635,651,500 15.80% Canada 930,400,000.00 $713,830,792 15.70% Japan $840,000,000 5.00%
Why We Support the Global Fund: Voices from the Network
Shakila Enayatzade
Liz Clerkin
A Village Visit
A Warehouse Full of Medicines
Dr. Carol Sibley
A Story from Muheza, Tanzania Muheza is a small village in a beautiful rural area. Her child has a fever, but the road is long. How serious is the fever? There may be a long wait to find out. Will the drug treatment be effective? We work with colleagues to keep track of where antimalarial drugs work…and where they don’t. Malarial episodes have economic costs—disease and poverty are cyclical
Global Fund Replenishment Campaigns Update Global Fund Replenishment Nutrition Resolution Final Trimester of Year
Time is Running Out on the Global Fund Grassroots Café Time is Running Out on the Global Fund Director, Grassroots Impact
Action-Taking Priorities: 1. 2/3 of the House Cosponsors H. Res Action-Taking Priorities: 1. 2/3 of the House Cosponsors H.Res. 517 & 2. Generate Global Fund media in all 50 states
H.Res. 517 Cosponsors What’s YOUR Plan? Chat in your room or take a moment to think and make a Plan. Put Your Plans Here:
Open Phones On the webinar? Unmute by clicking the microphone. On by phone? Unmute by hitting *6. If you are not speaking, please stay muted.
Global Fund Media What’s YOUR Plan? Chat in your room or take a moment to think and make A plan. Put Your Plans Here:
Open Phones On the webinar? Unmute by clicking the microphone. On by phone? Unmute by hitting *6. If you are not speaking, please stay muted.
Movement Building Priority: Make a plan to add new members to your RESULTS group
ORGANIZING FOR IMPACT What are you dreaming of doing in the 3rd trimester? How many new advocates will you add to your group by December?
Organizing vs. Mobilizing Transformational Transactional Organizing Organizers Organizing Events Personalized Communications (1:1s) Mass Communications Relationship Based Not Relationship Based Dr. Hahrie Han
RESULTS Global Poverty National Webinar 22 RESULTS Global Poverty National Webinar
Mark Your Calendars! See the Weekly Update for details on how to join. September 16, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). September 18, 8:30 pm ET. New Advocate Orientation. September 19, 8:30 p.m. ET. “Wow, I got published!”: Making Media a Transformational Experience October 2, 8:30 pm ET. Action Network Community of Practice.
Find All Your Need on the “Current Volunteers” page 24 Click here Find All Your Need on the “Current Volunteers” page Find action alerts, lobbying resources, monthly actions, weekly updates, national webinars, and more!
Lisa Marchal Let us know how many joined you today directly in the chat box or send to Lisa Marchal