An older female infant (7–9 months group) with a neck abscess underwent a contrast-enhanced chest CT. In this sagittal reformat of the right lung, all three radiologists agreed that the pleural fissures were clearly visible (indicated by arrows). An older female infant (7–9 months group) with a neck abscess underwent a contrast-enhanced chest CT. In this sagittal reformat of the right lung, all three radiologists agreed that the pleural fissures were clearly visible (indicated by arrows). Of note, a pleural effusion was present, which likely enhanced visualization of the fissures, particularly the posterior segment of the right major fissure. Andrew Phelps et al. World Jnl Ped Surgery 2019;2:e000034 © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.