Adhesion of T-cell clones to autologous tumor cells under shear stress. Adhesion of T-cell clones to autologous tumor cells under shear stress. CD103+/LFA-1+ (Heu171, left) and CD103−/LFA-1+ (H32-22, right) clones were stained by CellTracker green and incubated for 10 minutes on a monolayer of IGR-Heu cells, treated with indicated siRNA (siRNA-E1, siRNA-E2, and siRNA-luc), untreated, or transfected with ICAM-1, precultured for 48 hours in IBIDI chambers. Adhesion was then recorded under constant shear stress (35 dyn/cm2 indicated by an arrow) for 1 minute at 2-second intervals. Data correspond to 1 of 4 independent experiments. Katarzyna Franciszkiewicz et al. Cancer Res 2013;73:617-628 ©2013 by American Association for Cancer Research