API 16RCD January 2019 Specification for Rotating Control Devices Chairman: Micah Spahn mspahn@Pruitt.com Vice Chair: Joe Karigan Joe.Karigan@Halliburton.com
Revision 16RCD Revision 2: Released September 2015
Further Task Group Work Last meeting held 12/2018, Houston Annex G work was delayed by the TG receiving a color coded review by API that included multiple required revisions to the document Based on the color coded review as well as other desired updates Edition 3 is necessary; SRRR is requested Ed. 3 priorities include: Color coded corrections, Sub-Component verbiage, & monogram program revised Enhanced design validation testing procedure progress (Annex G) SAL 1 & SAL 2 agreed upon by TG, SAL C monogram rules clarification will be submitted to API Plan to include in Ed. 3 rather than try to release as an E2 Addendum Color coded review edits to document underway & plan to be completed at April meeting & circulated to MPD/UBO Committee for review