National Curriculum Science.


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Presentation transcript:

National Curriculum Science

Key Stage 1 Curriculum During Key Stage 1 pupils observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and phenomena. Collecting evidence to answer questions. Fair testing and comparisons. Sharing their ideas using scientific language, drawings, charts and tables

How is the Curriculum presented? The science Key Stage 1 curriculum consists of: Sc1 Scientific enquiry Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes

Key Stage 2 Curriculum During Key Stage 2 pupils learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. Linking ideas using simple models and theories. Begin to apply their knowledge to everyday things and their personal health. Think about the positive and negative effects within the environment They carry out more systematic investigations, working on their own and with others. They talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.

How is the Curriculum presented? The science Key Stage 2 curriculum consists of: Sc1 Scientific enquiry Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Scientific thinking Applications and implications of science Cultural understanding Collaboration There are a number of essential skills and processes in science that pupils need to learn to make progress, these include; Practical and enquiry skills Critical understanding of evidence Communication

Further Reading ngandlearning/curriculum/primary/b001991 79/science- ngandlearning/curriculum/secondary/b0019 8831/science

How is the Curriculum Interpreted in Primary? Interpreted at different levels according to experience and knowledge of teacher. Cost and availability of resources Lack of facilities within Primary Schools. Time spent on subject is just over one hour per week. The Dearing Report (1993) made some recommendations indicating that Science should occupy 13% , however QCA only recommend that it takes up only 7%. aring1994.html Not seen as equal to literacy and numeracy since the removal of Science SATS in 2010.

How is the Curriculum Interpreted in Secondary? Specialist teachers for different topic areas (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Dedicated Labs and qualified lab staff to prepare resources. ISA’s Individual Skills Assignments undertaken to prepare for GCSE’s

Achievement Targets in Primary National Curriculum testing for Science was removed in 2010. Nuffield Foundation commissioned a report in 2012 as no formal assessment was taking place. They have created a proposed framework of assessment which is being introduced into all Primary Schools with a Science Subject Leaders document for Assessing Progress in Primary Science.

Wider Reading The National Curriculum (DfEE/QCA 1999) states; “Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. Because science links direct practical experience with ideas, it can engage learners at many levels.” DfEE/QCA (Department for Education and Employment/Qualifications and Curriculum Authority), (1999) National Curriculum : Handbook for Primary Teachers in England Key Stages 1 and 2. London : DfEE/QCA

Impact on Learners in Primary Challenges and barriers can include; Classroom management with health and safety Emphasis has changed on Science due to lack of formal assessment. Time and budget restraints Curriculum restraints, trying to fit all subjects in. No specific strategies set for Science compared to Literacy and Numeracy. Can be a passive lesson without many resources.

Impact on Learners in Secondary Expense of equipment, facilities and resources/chemicals. Health and safety Can encourage life long interests within the field of Science. Key subject for careers such as Hairdressing. Transition between Primary and Secondary can leave children poorly prepared for science, due to increased expectations.

Inclusion Inclusion is achieved by Extra curricular activities after school as well as external companies invited in to run workshops. “TA’s act as role models to young children, exploring and investigating the world with them and acknowledging the widespread existence of Science” Siraj-Blatchford,J. and MacLeod Brundell, I. (1999) Supporting Science, Design and Technology in the early years. Milton Keynes: Open University Press