Being courageous Takes CONFIDENCE MAY 13TH 2018
Hebrews 13:6 So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not FEAR! What can man do to me! God’s WORD!
To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now! The confidence found in Christ gives us the ability to see ourselves how HEAVEN sees us. As His creation with a plan for His kingdom. SO why are we waiting and living in the confidence from the enemy rather than the KIng! THe King gives us the confidence we need. -Alan Cohen
Where does our confidence lie as Followers of Jesus?
1. It lies in the fact that our failure is temporary With God failure is a learning lesson With God failure is a test of our faith With God failure opens doors to opportunity
God is behind us God invest in us God has sent us 2. God will work out all things for good, for the believer that LOVES God and God has called God is behind us God invest in us God has sent us
3. God will see to it that the necessities of life are given WILL / WILL / WILL Where is your WILL rooted
4. God has much greater things in store for the believer God will lift you up!!!!!!
Who lives this kind of confidence out in the NT? Let us hope that you do! Let us look at one person in the NT who lives out the confidence of the Lord
The same Word used to describe Paul Type to enter a caption. Phoebe A Deaconess The same Word used to describe Paul
Romans 16:1-2 I Paul commend to you our sister Phoebe , a servant of the church in Cenchrea I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you for she has been a great help to many people including me
1. Phoebe Confidence found just in a name Her name was another name for the goddess Diana So she would have been a convert The name phoebe would have been a name given by a parents of a haeathen religious group. It would have been one that believed in the goddess Diana. So she was a convert. A convert that had knowledge wealth and was a women of great influence. So instead of her finding her confidence in all of those listed she converted and found her confidence in Christ alone. So much so that Paul sees her as an equal in the faith. In fact some of the mention of her places her status in areas above his.
Confidence gives us the ability to move past old identities Phoebe was able to move past the old identity given her by her family and friends. So much so that we find her as a leader and friend of the apostle Paul. This is a huge thing. Here we find even in the language and tenses that Paul uses he is using a heartfelt anguage. One of endearment and love for those He is speaking of.
2. Servant (diakonon) deacon or deaconess So Paul by no accident speaks of her in equal terms In a city of great influence Cenchrea which. Was a great seaport of Corinth. This was a happening city. All theologians believe that there is no denying this translation of the Word Paul was using. There is no other explanation. so in a world where even her name means something that is not of God sh found confidence in the lord an her relationship with Him enough that Paul called her to be the pastor of th church in Cenchrea. She became the Pastor and great things and people came out of that work. Her confidence was in the Lord
As you see by this map this was a huge port for the country and a pace where much went through and happened.
3. Phoebe deserved to be welcomed WHY??? Because Phoebe had been a GREAT help! PROSTATIS - GREAT help meaning she had protected, ministered to needs, and assisted in welfare situations She had gone above. Again another testimony of her confidence combing from the Lord. She relied on the guidance of the lord to provide for the needs of the people and was used by God.
So what do we learn from Phoebe?
1. Our confidence comes from HIM! Not in a name, not in past affiliation, not in our gender, but in the Power and Might of the Lord. This a reminder of what we learned on Wednesday.
2. We learn that we are all servants She was a serving. Even though she had influence and stature in this city and in this church she served any who were in need. When our confidence comes form the lord we need not worry about stature and place in this world
3. We are called to share the good news We are called to stop the patterns of this world and step forward in the presence and plan of Christ
“I want the whole Christ for my Savior, the whole Bible for my book, the whole church for my fellowship and the whole world for my mission field John Wesley wrote these words and reflecting on His and Phoebe’s confidence it is rooted in the Lord So the question today is where does your confidence lie