Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury Was born in August 1920 and died in June 2012. He wrote predominantly science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mysteries. He won many awards for his writing including a Pulitzer Citation. Many of his stories were adapted to comic books, television, and movies.
Famous Literary Works
Can you guess the literary element Can you guess the literary element? (Examples from: Fever, 1793 by Anderson) “It was going to be another hot August day. Another long, hot August day. Another long, hot, boring, wretched August day.” “I leapt from my bed, and – thunk! – cracked my head on the sloped ceiling.” “The roaring furnace, sparks crackling in the air, the sizzle of hot metal into cold water – it all reminded me of that unmentionable place the preachers liked to go on about.”
Choose at least one of the literary patterns you have discovered in your author’s writing and write either a new beginning, new ending, or a sequel (part two).
Let’s hear him speak… https://www.sam-network.org/video/fahrenheit-451?curation=0