Winner if Booker Prize in 1997. Completed in 1996 took 4 years to complete received 500,000 pounds in advance rights to the book were sold in 21 countries.
set in Ayemenem, part of Kottayam district in Kerala, India. shifts back and forth between 1969 and 1993, when fraternal twins,Rahel and Esthappen, are 7-yrs- old years old, and reunited at 31.
Indian history and politics shape plot and meaning. Look for jokes and snippets of wisdom about political realities in India. historical roots of modern situations human desperate desire to emerge from the confines of a firmly entrenched caste society. ( theme: desire to escape cultural confines) Is caste still a major issue in some parts of India today?
Class relations and cultural tensions In addition to her commentary on Indian history and politics Roy evaluates the Indian post-colonial complex-- cultural attitudes of many Indians toward their former British rulers the inferiority complex evident in the interactions between Untouchables and Touchables in Ayemenem. how the relationships in the novel are colored by cultural and class tension Example: Baby Kochamma and Pappachi are the most rigid and vicious in their attempts to uphold that social code Ammu and Velutha are the most unconventional and daring ( an unsuccessful) in breaking it. Roy implies that this is why they are punished so severely for their transgression.
Forbidden love love is such a powerful and uncontrollable force that it cannot be contained by any conventional social code. conventional society seeks to destroy real love, which is why love in the novel is consistently connected to loss, death, and sadness. romantic love in the novel relates closely to politics and history, Love ( in novel) is an emotion that can be explained only in terms of two peoples' cultural backgrounds and political identities.
Social discrimination Untouchable Paravan/ Paryan caste were not permitted to touch members of higher castes or enter their houses. Untouchables were considered polluted beings. They had lowliest jobs and lived in subhuman conditions. In India, the caste system was considered a way to organize society. .The Ipes considered upper class. They are factory owners, the dominating class. Mammachi and Baby Kochamma would not deign to mix with those of a lower class
Betrayal Betrayal is a constant element in this story. Love, ideals, and confidence are all forsaken, consciously & unconsciously, innocently & maliciously,
Non-sequential narrative Told as patchwork of flashbacks and lengthy sidetracks that weave together to tell the story of the Ipe family. main events of the novel are traced back through the complex history of their causes, and memories are revealed as they relate to one another thematically and as they might appear in Rahel's mind. Although the narrative voice is omniscient, it is loosely grounded in Rahel's perspective, and all of the episodes of the novel progress toward the key moments in Rahel's life.
POV 3rd person through Rahel's eyes Throughout the book, there are various moments that intersect. In one moment, everything is seen through a child's eyes, with a child's feelings and rationales. Later, the same facts, objects, and people are seen in a completely different light. Pay attention to bolded, italicized and Capitalized words
Setting set in the village of Ayemenem in the Kottayam district of Kerala, India. most of the plot takes place in 1969, a time of changes in ideology and influence. India is a complex society with various cultural and religious habits and beliefs. Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, and Muslims share the same space. Society is divided not only by the very strict caste system but also by class consciousness. Many languages are spoken in India, but the higher classes make a point of speaking English, sending their sons to study in England and adopting certain English habits. Has the largest Christian population in India, predominantly Saint Thomas Christians or Syrian Christians. In the Kottayam district, Christians are a majority.