2 HWTS Module This would be a lighter configuration with the capacity to draft and implement a comprehensive household based water programme including hygiene promotion and safe storage components. With a focus in increasing the capacities of the host NS, the module’s tasks will include the selection and procurement of HWTS methodologies, coordinate with distribution teams to ensure training of HWTS use, and mobilize NS volunteers to carry out assessment, training and post distribution monitoring as well as hygiene promotion for effective HWTS In Short…………….
Lighter configuration 3 HWTS Module Lighter configuration Draft Salesman Implement Adm Reinforce Capacities Training Pre-deployment Team composition Equipment Training Pathway
Monitoring and Evaluation 4 Draft HWTS Module Implement Reinforce Capacities Monitoring and Evaluation Identification Programming Exit strategy Salesman Adm
Additional tools: Decision Tree 5 Draft HWTS Module Implement Reinforce Capacities Additional tools: Decision Tree Salesman Adm
Additional tools: Activities per phase/rotation 6 Draft HWTS Module Implement Reinforce Capacities Additional tools: Activities per phase/rotation Salesman Adm
HWTS Module Team Composition Team Leader Water quality and treatment Implement 7 HWTS Module Draft Reinforce Capacities Equipment General 1 Kit ODK (assessment, baseline, distribution) + other telecom elements Living area and office Toolkit (drill, screwdriver…) Water treatment X Test items (aquatab, pure, filters) Water quality 40 Pool tester + accesories 200 DPD1 blister for free chlorine RED PHENOL blister for Ph 5 Turbidimeter Conductivimeter Multiparameter tester Coliform bacteria and E.coli detection kit and accesories. Hygiene promotion 2 Hygiene promotion A box Team Composition Team Leader Water quality and treatment Hygiene promoter Logistician/Admin Relief Market assesment and cash Salesman Adm Operational Cash advance Implementation guide
8 HWTS Module Draft Implement Reinforce Capacities Salesman Adm
HWTS Module next steps PENDING……. ODK Forms revision 9 HWTS Module next steps PENDING……. ODK Forms revision To integrate Green Response Review implementation guide Mozambique’s lessons learned Review the equipment Pilot test on field
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