Lexiles and Writing! DVUSD January 2012 K-12 Training
The Lexile Framework The Lexile Framework evaluates both reading ability and text complexity on the same scale.
We can determine a Lexile level on original writing samples. 1st – The original writing sample must first be saved as a Plain Text document Open Word Document From “Save as type:” pull down menu, save as Plain Text (.txt )
2nd – Go to http://www.lexile.com/ You will need to register the first time you use the Lexile Analyzer
3rd – Once you are registered go to the Lexile Analyzer.
4th – Click on browse, locate your .txt document, click on Submit.
And… You will see the lexile score for this writing sample. Revise And… You will see the lexile score for this writing sample. Revise. Resubmit!
Next Steps With the CCSS Facilitator at your table, discuss… How will you or how have you rolled out lexile measures at your campus?
http://goo.gl/YU39y or http://tiny.cc/e59tn Please take a moment to give us feedback on the fall semester's CCSS Admin Training. http://goo.gl/YU39y or http://tiny.cc/e59tn