Dr. Aye Sandar Myint Assistant Director Ministry of Education Capacity Development Center Day 4 Function Dr. Aye Sandar Myint Assistant Director 3/14/2019 CDC-4
What is a function? A function is a "named operation" Functions have parentheses parameters/arguments inside the parentheses Function Result =SUM(1,2,3,4,5) 15 =SUM(a1,b1,c1) a1+b1+c1 =SUM(9,a1,b2,5,c1) 9+a1+b2+5+c1 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Math Functions 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Types of operations You can use any of the following operations in a formula: operation symbol example addition: + =a1+3 subtraction: - =100-b3 multiplication: * =a1*b1 division: / =d1/100 exponentiation ^ =a2^2 negation - =-a2+3 (same symbol as substraction) 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Order of operations When using several operations in one formula, Excel follows the order of operations for math. first: all parentheses - innermost first second: exponents (^) third: all multiplication (*) and division (/). Do these starting with the leftmost * or / and work to the right.( left to right) fourth: all addition (+) and subtraction (-). Do these starting with the leftmost + or - and work to the right.( left to right) 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Order of operations The value of 3 + 2 * 5 is 13 NOT 25! 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Math Functions Click the function button to see the available functions: 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Using Auto Sum 3/14/2019 CDC-4
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Exercise 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Logical Functions Logical Functions are used to display text or a value or to perform some calculation, only if some condition is true. If the condition is not true, some alternate text or value is displayed or some other calculation is performed. Logical Functions are used to display text or a value or to perform some calculation, only if some condition is true. If the condition is not true, some alternate text or value is displayed or some other calculation is performed. 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Logical Operators To create a logical test or condition, you can use any of the following operators: = Equal <> Not equal > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to Or => either And => both To create a logical test or condition, you can use any of the following operators: = Equal <> Not equal > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Logical IF function and conditional > operator Set pointer at the cell you want to display condition Click Formulas tab->Logical-> If Select the cell at Logical_test and type operator and value Type the values at if_true and if_false , Click OK 3/14/2019 CDC-4
3/14/2019 CDC-4
Create a Simple Chart Select any cell within the data range that you want to use for the chart. On the Insert tab, Click the Chart type in the Charts group and then choose a chart subtype that you want to use. 3/14/2019 CDC-4
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Print Area and Page Setup Click Page Layout->Page Setup 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Adding Header and Footer Click Page Layout->Page Setup->Header/Footer 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Print Title Click Page Layout-> Print Titles 3/14/2019 CDC-4
Print preview and Print Click File->Print 3/14/2019 CDC-4