Greater Cambridge Citizens Assembly on congestion, air quality and public transport 8 September 2019 Anne Miller Carbon Neutral Cambridge @CarbonNtrlCambs What is the most important factor to consider and why? Share your ideas & views of the future
The most important factor Reducing the scale and impact of climate change This means halving fossil fuel use well within a decade
Why? To avoid catastrophic climate change….. This is just the start …….. Better, healthier lives for all….. Image from @carfreedayLDN
How? Make it attractive and easy to switch from polluting vehicles to clean ones, to share transport, to travel less. to own fewer cars,
An idea: Reclaim our streets Reducing parking is a fair and effective way to help reduce traffic Lets reclaim our streets for Parks, “parklets” and greenery Pedestrians: wider pavements. Cycleways and bike parking. e-scooters and “Micromobility” Focus road space on Deliveries, essential workers, the disabled, car clubs, eV charging points, public transport Pay for much better public transport by increasing charges for: Private carparks (especially in the central zone) Parking on public streets Illegal pavement parking Dropped curbs Better uses for our streets