The CCR5+ population of SUM-159 cells is enriched with tumor-initiating cells. The CCR5+ population of SUM-159 cells is enriched with tumor-initiating cells. A, Three different cases of breast adenocarcinomas immunostained for CCR5 (red), pan-cytokeratin (green), and cell nuclei (DAPI; blue). Note cell-to-cell and region-to-region variability of CCR5 expression within carcinoma cells. B, Kaplan–Meier plots of survival for high cytoplasmic CCR5 versus low cytoplasmic CCR5. C, Representative example of SUM-159 cell FACS analysis by CCR5 staining. D–F, Mammosphere assays conducted with equal number of CCR5+ versus CCR5− cells selected by FACS from SUM-159 (D), SUM-149 (E), or FC-IBC-02 (F) cells. The mean number of mammospheres formed per 1,000 cells are shown ± SEM for N = 4. G, Photos of photon flux from breast tumors in nude mice derived from injection of CCR5+ versus CCR5− luc2–stable SUM-159 breast cancer cells. An equal number of cells were injected into each animal. H, Quantitation of photon-flux of tumors from mice at time 0 months and 4 months shown as mean ± SEM for N = 5 separate mice in linear scale. Xuanmao Jiao et al. Cancer Res 2018;78:1657-1671 ©2018 by American Association for Cancer Research