OGSM Framework Template The OGSM Framework is a method that helps to guide organizations from the planning to the implementation phase of the business strategy development process. OGSM is an acronym that stands for Objective, Goals, Strategies, and Measures. An organization can use this method to connect its broader strategies, such as its mission and vision statements or its values, to concrete and actionable steps that can be taken to integrate the strategy into the daily behaviors of its employees. OGSM definitions include: Objective - The organization’s leaders should clearly determine what the overall purpose of the new strategy is and what the strategy contributes to the organization’s ultimate purpose. Goals - In this stage, the objective can be broken down into smaller, more attainable goals. Strategies - It is crucial to establish an action plan to accomplish the goals established in the prior stage. Measures - In order to monitor progress toward long-term goals, it is important to measure and compare the current state of the progression toward goal attainment against the timeline that was developed. Want more tools and templates? Visit https://upboard.io/
OGSM Framework Template Objective Enter Objective Here Goals Strategies Goal #1 Strategies for Goal #1 KPI Measure 1 Tactical Actions 1 KPI Measure for Goal #1 and/or Strategies for Goal #1 Tactical actions Goal #2 Strategies for Goal #2 KPI Measure 2 Tactical Actions 2 KPI Measure for Goal #2 and/or Strategies for Goal #2 Tactical actions Goal #3 Strategies for Goal #3 KPI Measure 3 Tactical Actions 3 KPI Measure for Goal #3 and/or Strategies for Goal #3 Tactical actions Goal #4 Strategies for Goal #4 KPI Measure 4 Tactical Actions 4 KPI Measure for Goal #4 and/or Strategies for Goal #4 Tactical actions Want more tools and templates? Visit https://upboard.io/
OGSM Framework Template Objective: Enter Objective here Goal #1: Accountable: Enter Goal statement here Name of Goal Owner here Success Measures (KPI at Goal Level): Quarterly Targets (measured across four quarters to reach annual target goal) Annual Stretch Goal (quantifiable best case): $$##%% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual Target Goal (quantifiable realistic case): No. Key Strategies (Actions with Measurable Outcomes) Owner Success Measures (Strategy Level) #.1 #.2 #.3 #.4 #.5
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