Data Subcommittee Production Cost Model Data Work Group (PDWG) Update


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Presentation transcript:

Data Subcommittee Production Cost Model Data Work Group (PDWG) Update September 19, 2019 Jamie Austin–PDWG Chair Kevin Harris–PDWG Vice Chair Tyler Butikofer–WECC Liaison

Today’s Discussion Approval Items: Discussion Item: PCM 2030 2-Year Work Plan Coincident Energy Shapes Year Discussion Item: Development of the DDVM Process

Overview The Anchor Dataset (ADS) The Production Cost Model (PCM) The ADS is intended to be a compilation of load, resource and transmission topology information used by the Regional Planning Groups (RPG) in the Western Interconnection as part of their regional transmission plans. The ADS can be used by other stakeholders in various planning analyses. Data included in the ADS is intended to be compatible with Production Cost Models (PCM) and power flow (PF) models, including dynamic data and associated assumptions. The data is expected to reflect applicable state and federal public policy requirements, such as: Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), Regional Haze Programs, and Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS). The Production Cost Model (PCM) ABB GridView is used to do an hourly simulation of a year a decade in the future Incorporates a detailed interconnection-wide DC power flow network model Uses detailed generator commitment and dispatch parameters and algorithms A single-pass Monte Carlo simulation using hourly input patterns based on a selected historical year

Jamie Austin, PacifiCorp PCM 2030 2-Year Work Plan Jamie Austin, PacifiCorp

2030 ADS PCM “Draft” Work Plan Goals Build the 2030 ADS PCM dataset, starting with the 2028 ADS PCM Phase 2 – V2.0 Transmission Topology –WECC 2030 HS power flow case starting with an export hour from the 2028 ADS PCM Phase 2 – V2.0 For resource definition, use resources submitted to WECC L&R, in March 2020

Coincident Energy Year September 18, 2019 Kevin Harris ColumbiaGrid PCM Data Work Group Meeting

Coincident Energy Year #1 Purpose: To preserve hourly coincidence between various supply shapes for load, wind solar and hydro Currently available hourly data: Load: 2001-2018 Wind and Solar: NREL 2007-2014 Hydro: 2008 & 2009 Base year used in 2028 ADS PCM is 2009

Coincident Energy Year #2 Issues with selecting a new base year: DG/BTM PV starts impacting base load shape after 2010 Selected year would require having a normal hydro year in the Northwest and California This would require requesting and processing hourly hydro generation Selecting a new base year would require creating new wind and solar shapes: Currently using 598 shapes PDWG recommended using 2009 base load shape Error check existing shapes and process new shapes as needed

Creating PCM Hourly Load #1 Current load forecast are incorporating various unique load shapes that are summed to create the forecasted/modeled load shape: Base load shape Energy efficiency EV charging Non-conforming irrigation load Future items to consider: Building electrification Time-of-use rates Climate change

Creating PCM Hourly Load #2 Creating independent hourly load shape and summing to create net modeled shape: + Base hourly shape (source: base load year) + Energy efficiency (if unique shape) + EV charging shape (source: NREL) - Irrigation hourly shape (source: base load year pumping) + Additional items as needed Note base load forecast should exclude impact of DG and BTM PV

Kevin Harris harris@columbiagrid.o rg (503) 943-4962

Discussion Item: Status Report on the DDVM Process Jamie Austin, PacifiCorp Tyler Butikofer, WECC Steven Wallace, CPS

Documentation of Data Development and Validation Manual Proposed name change: Data “Development” and Validation Manual (DDVM) – designed to record the production cost model (PCM) data “development” process; whereas, the Data Preparation Manual (DPM) is designed to provide an outline of data requirements and reporting procedures necessary for Data Submitters to support creation of Interconnection-wide cases for power flow and dynamic data. However, “Data Submitters”, are not the source to PCM data. The PCM data starts with downloading data from public sources (e.g., EIA, NREL, FERC, etc.) and is developed by PDWG, using consistent assumptions and algorithms for the entire Western Interconnect. Purpose of the DDVM: to document how data is developed for the PCM and allowing for repeating the process into the future.

Microsoft OneNote It has been demonstrated by PDWG that OneNote can be used: As a platform to store initial data downloaded from public sources To link and elaborate on meeting notes that capture PDWG work on building consistent assumptions and methods for developing data To facilitate the development process leading to approvals by the Data Subcommittee (DS) To maintain links to Industry References used in the development process To store workbooks developed by stakeholders and staff As a mechanism to store and make accessible final data used in the PCM To store the formal DDVM document in “Microsoft Word” – PDF format OneNote has a robust search engine that allows for isolating topics within the references listed above Stakeholders can use OneNote information as a reference to document the process in the DDVM manual

Area/Region Ron Network Model Tyler\Jon Jensen Transmission Model Yi Main report body Table of contents Introduction Purpose of the document Types of data considered in the document Document layout (section layout) Process for reviewing, updating and/or modifying the document Area/Region Ron Network Model Tyler\Jon Jensen Transmission Model Yi Resource Model Jan Load Model Kevin Cost & Economics Jamie Market Model Yi

Generators Purpose Description Principles of development Storage Data sources/requirements Modeling Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Thermal data Development PDWG\Staff collects/validates data Data sources Assumptions options Review/modification schedule Validation process (PDWG\MDWG) Modeling Conventions and Enhancements (PDWG\MDWG) Hydro Electric Data sources/requirements Modeling Conventions Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Renewable Data sources/requirements Modeling Conventions Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Identification of plant/unit Name Owner Geographical location Electrical connect location Balancing Authority Identification of plant/unit Name Owner Geographical location Electrical connect location Balancing Authority Identification of plant/unit Name Owner Geographical location Electrical connect location Balancing Authority Identification of plant/unit Name Owner Geographical location Electrical connect location Balancing Authority Operating Characteristics Unit parameters (e.g., type, FOR, planned maint. req.) Idling costs Charge/discharge efficiency Operating Characteristics Unit parameters (e.g., run-of-river or reservoir, FOR, planned maint. req.) Variable O&M costs Operating Characteristics Unit parameters (e.g., wind or solar, FOR, planned maint. req.) Variable O&M costs Opportunity costs (e.g., forgone PTC for wind) Operating Characteristics Unit parameters (e.g., gt or cc, fuel, FOR, planned maint. req.) Variable O&M Costs Fuel Conversion Efficiency Constraints Storage capacity (MWh) Min storage quantity (MWh) Max/Min Charge rates Max/Min Discharge rates Constraints Max output by hour (MW) Must-run output by hour (MW) Avail. energy by month (MWh) Storage capacity (MWh) Constraints Available energy by hour (MWh) Constraints Minimum up/down time Startup time Ramp rates Emission/fuel limits

Transmission Purpose Description Principles of development Branch Transmission lines Transformers DC ties Phase shifters Interface Data sources/requirements Modeling Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Nomogram Data sources/requirements Modeling Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Contingency and SPS (* ADS PCM does not model contingency) DC tie Loss factor DC cost DC MW limit Transmission derate (* ADS PCM does not model derate) Identification Name From Bus and To Bus Owner Geographical location Identification Name and naming convention Outage branch Outage generator or generator tripping for SPS Load shedding for SPS Monitored branches Phase shifter Initial angle Max angle Min angle Reactance at Maximum angle Max MW Min MW Normal condition angle cost Normal condition angle step size (Up and Down) Emergence condition angle cost Emergence condition angle step size (Up and Down) Simulation setup for angle lock between normal and contingency condition Identification Name and naming convention Nomogram definition Owner Identification Name and naming convention Derate condition (e.g. line or generator status due scheduled outage or UC) Derated transmission components (branches, interfaces, and nomograms) Operating Characteristics Impedance Status Identification Name and naming convention Interface definition-Branches Owner Constraints Limit for UC Penalty price for UC Limit for ED Penalty price for ED Flags for being enforced in UC and/or ED Constraints Branch seasonal ratings (winter and summer ratings, normal and emergency) Branch penalty price ($/MWh) in normal and emergency conditions Monitored (enforced) flag Enforcement flag Flag for being enforced in UC Flag for being enforced in ED Constraints Monthly limits (min and max) Penalty price Flags for being enforced in UC and/or ED stage Scheduled maintenance Starting date and hour End date and hour

Market model (or System model) include all non-physical constraints, limitation, operation requirement, in operation and settlement, etc.) Purpose Description Principles of development Ancillary Service (Not modeled in 2028 ADS PCM) Defined at BAA or Region level Data sources/requirements Modeling Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process BAA model Refer to Area/Region model for definition Wheeling charge model Defined at Region level for BAA or utilities TAC or tariff Data sources/requirements Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process GHG model – AB32 hurdle Defined on California boundary interfaces Data sources/requirements Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Remote generator model Defined on Interface for market friction or access charge Data sources/requirements Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Region Group Name Definition (Regions included) Flag for waiving wheeling charge (to be added) Flag for sharing A/S (to be added) AS requirement Regulation up/down Spin/Non Spin Load Following up/down Frequency response Region Name Definition (Areas included) Ancillary service requirements and service setup (refer to A/S model) Transmission losses calculation (to be added) Wheeling charge (refer to wheeling model) Hurdle model Defined on Interface for market friction or access charge Data sources/requirements Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process Transmission right Data sources/requirements Review/modification schedule Who collects/validates data Validation process AS ramping requirement AS resource type or resource designation AS penalty prices Area Name Load (refer to load model) Summer period setup (indicate when the summer rating is applied) AS bid prices (unit specified)

Hosting OneNote Tyler Butikofer, WECC

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PDWG Team Site

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Steven Wallace, CPS Tyler Butikofer, WECC Jamie Austin, PacifiCorp OneNote Discussion Steven Wallace, CPS Tyler Butikofer, WECC Jamie Austin, PacifiCorp

Jamie Austin