Haiku Poetry
Haiku is also called nature or seasonal haiku.
The modern Haiku was fashioned by a Japanese poet in the late 1800s.
If you can count syllables, you can write a haiku If you can count syllables, you can write a haiku! This is one of the easiest poems to learn to write.
Haiku poetry does not rhyme and isn’t supposed to have a title
Haiku is usually written in the present tense and focuses on nature (seasons).
Haiku Poetry Definition 1 An unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all. The 5/7/5 rule was made up for school children to understand and learn this type of poetry.
There are three lines in a Haiku 17 syllables altogether Five – line one Seven – line two Five – line three
Yesterday I ate breakfast and grabbed my backpack To hurry to school Yes/ter/day/I/ate Break/fast/and/grabbed/my/back/pack to/hur/ry/to/school
Pancakes with syrup Winter’s chill delayed awhile The bus driver honks Pan/cakes/with/sy/rup Win/ter’s/chill/de/layed/a/while The/bus/dri/ver/honks
Haiku Poetry Helpful Hints Haiku is generally not written in one long run on sentence. It is generally written in two parts. You have a fragment on the first or the last line, then you have the body of the haiku.
Winter sun-- a cyclist pedals against the wind Haiku Poetry Winter sun-- a cyclist pedals against the wind
Haiku Poetry Salt-waves caress sand tickling my toes and heart in their short-spun wake
Pink cherry blossoms Cast shimmering reflections On seas of Japan Haiku Poetry Pink cherry blossoms Cast shimmering reflections On seas of Japan
Warm soup in a bowl letters of the alphabet hang on the teaspoon Haiku Poetry Warm soup in a bowl letters of the alphabet hang on the teaspoon
HAIKU POETRY On the following slides are pictures of seasons. Now it is your turn to write some Haiku poetry.