CR-GR-HSE-501 Examples of services classification
Industrial site Project inside an industrial site: construction of an additional tank in a depot: Requirement 3.2.4: High Risk Requirement 3.2.5: Mode 1 Project inside an industrial site but in a closed construction area : Requirement 3.2.5: Mode 2 Requirement 3.4.5: reporting to be adapted and explained (number worked hours, number of accidents) The service of catering on an industrial site (refinery): Requirement 3.2.4 and Appendix 1: Does the site risk analysis demonstrate a high risk for food poisoning? If not, it can be considered at medium risk Security service – security for an industrial site: Requirement 3.2.4: low risk if there is no patrol (badge check for example) or medium risk in case of patrol (in a complex site with vehicle or at night) Titre de la Présentation – Lieu et Pays – Date Jour Mois Année
Service station Construction of a new service station: Requirement 3.2.4: High Risk Requirement 3.2.5: Mode 2 Maintenance of pumps in CODO service station: Requirement 3.2.4: The service station is not an industrial installation but the risk is medium due to the products and the environment Requirement 3.2.5: Mode 2 because the intervention is mandated by Total on pumps belonging to Total, but on a site operated by a dealer and according to the Safety Management System and the organization of the maintenance company Small gardening service (in COCO service station, in Total site ...) Requirement 3.2.4: Use of powered tools, medium risk Titre de la Présentation – Lieu et Pays – Date Jour Mois Année
Transport Long-term transport of fuel to the service station Requirement 3.2.4: High Risk Requirement 3.2.5: Mode 2 Spot transport: Requirement 3.2.5: Mode 3 Long-term transport of staff (bus, car ...) Spot transport of staff (bus, car ...) Titre de la Présentation – Lieu et Pays – Date Jour Mois Année